asking for a kind word



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hoover, Alabama
For those of you on here who know me, I first want to say what a blessing it is to have friends like you! I enjoy the hobby so much more because I can share my triumphs and troubles. The word family comes to mind.

I am in a predicament, some of you are aware of it, many are not. Just over a year ago, a student accused me of hitting him. I didn't, but the school system attorney has pushed it all the way. I will attend an arbitration meeting this Thursday (and possibly this Friday) and what I am asking is that anyone who feels so compelled to share a kind word, it can be done at:

Thanks so much. David Petitt, aka bamacuda
David, I wish you the best with your situation. BTW: The link doesn't allow to simply leave a comment. It appears that you have to be a Facebook member or something of that sort.
Best of luck to you. I work for a preschool and teachers are all the time of getting accused of things. They get laid off, go through weeks and weeks or waiting to hear something back. It is an emotional experience for teachers, staff, parents, and children to go through. That is one of the main reasons I took a different job because it seemed like every time I turned around a teacher was in trouble. I hope things work out for you.
Thanks, Betty. It happens way too often. They are there for an education, plain and simple, and it seems to be more of my time spent convincing them of that fact rather than teaching what I know about math. GTX, yes, it is a facebook link. You can leave your regards here or email them to [email protected] That is the email that will be shown to the arbiter on Thursday.

make sure you use the underline between feinstein and daniel.
I dont know you very well David. But I know no good-hearted, right-minded mechanci would hit and run somebody

Are you looking for character references? Just want to be clear...

Are you looking for character references? Just want to be clear...

Yes. I am not sure what the school board's attorney has planned. I am told that when a teacher's name lands on his desk, not matter the reason, he gets his kicks trying to terminate their job.

If I am in need of additional support, I would be able to print out any statements and present them to the arbiter at the hearing. It is this Thursday and possibly extending into Friday.

I am not sure what it's worth to him, but it does mean a lot to me. Say a prayer for me as well. I am 47 (tomorrow) married, have a 13- and a 7-year-old daughter. I have been teaching middle school for 20 years, and can't imagine doing anything else. I am ready to get on with this and willing to accept the outcome and move forward. I have never met an obstacle too big for me and my Lord. My grandaddy has a sign on his office wall ( he was a preacher) that said "Ain't nuthin gonna come up t'day that me and the Lord can't handle together"

David Petitt aka bamacuda
David, My prayers are coming your way. My sister is a teacher and "bends my ear" with many of these issues.

It's a shame what has happened to our school system :angry7:. Stay strong!
What B.S. there is nowadays. When I went to school there was corporal punishment. It kept us in line. I know it will never happen but I think they should reinstate it. Good luck bama.
Praying for you here. That a teacher has to go thru this is very sad...we need good teachers like you.
My friends wife is a teacher and this kind of stuff is a pain in the (you know what) prayers for all of you teachers out there
if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about.

Stand up, be strong and don't cave into anyone's accusations.

Prayers sent buddy, hang in there.

Psalm 32:10
Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.