Asking for Opinions

Piss on that guy. It looks good. Find a new friend. That one's a jackass.
Can you imagine the crap this poor Bast.....d got? Probably wiped the smile right off of his face.......But it's his/her car to do with what they please.

I would not have put one on a Dart,Demon,Scamp or Duster. I just think it takes from the straight flat body lines on the car which they are known for. The A-body Barracudas they come on have a recess in the sheet metal for the cap. It looks like volume control knob on that flat quarter panel.
Now I am an old guy that bought one of these cars in 1971. I hated the mustang looking Go wings on the 70 cars. But I like the Gull wing on the 71 cars. My Demon came with the Go wing I traded it to the guy with this Demon. He likes the Go wing. So I guess to each his own. If you like it who cares what I or anyone else has to say.

One thing I can tell you is people walk off with the factory caps from the 71 cars. They won't steal yours. And you can switch back when ever you want.


I saved one off a '68 Barracuda for my '72 Duster. I also grafted the sheet metal in it to make it look more like it belongs there. It "rounded" the quarter panel a bit but it's not noticeable. And I like the idea that I can leave the car in a parking lot without someone walking off with the gas cap.

Older photo but that's the look:

I saved one off a '68 Barracuda for my '72 Duster. I also grafted the sheet metal in it to make it look more like it belongs there. It "rounded" the quarter panel a bit but it's not noticeable. And I like the idea that I can leave the car in a parking lot without someone walking off with the gas cap.

Older photo but that's the look:

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I had been thinking of this very thing just before I saw your post, cutting/grafting that entire recess onto the quarter looks fantastic, well done.
I had been thinking of this very thing just before I saw your post, cutting/grafting that entire recess onto the quarter looks fantastic, well done.
Thanks for that. If I had it to do over again I would center it between the lines on the quarter. The center panel line on the quarter dips a little under it and I could never get that straight. As it was I used the filler neck as a guide and welded it in where that best fit. It was after the fact when I realized I have to use the Barracuda filler neck-at least the business end, as they are different. And I'll probably have to weld up a combination of the two necks.

Still wouldn't trade it back :)

I also always thought that the factory Swinger gas cap looks ugly and cheap, like its from a bargain parts store. But Ive always loved the flip top gas cap found on Cudas and Chargers, so when I saw this thread Here I jumped at the chance to put one on my 70 Swinger, bought one, and bought a new flip open cap.
So I installed it today, thought it looked fantastic and took it to a local outdoor show. A friend made some comments in fun about it not being factory on a Swinger and he didnt like the look of it very much.
So what do you think? Did I make a mistake? Personally I love the look of it, but I never thought people would be secretly snickering at it.
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looks good to me , functional too , my 68 fastback has one , and I like it ...
I think the flip top would look great on any car. That’s what hot ridding is, giving your car your personal touches. There is lots of things ppl do to their cars both inside and out that makes it their’s.
I saved one off a '68 Barracuda for my '72 Duster. I also grafted the sheet metal in it to make it look more like it belongs there. It "rounded" the quarter panel a bit but it's not noticeable. And I like the idea that I can leave the car in a parking lot without someone walking off with the gas cap.

Older photo but that's the look:

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Back in the 70's I never liked the 72 Tail lights. They were a sign of low performance/compression taking over. Lately they are starting to be more desirable and growing on me. 1 year only and very hard to find them. I like the old school wheels and tires. Cragars and slots is what was on all of them. Some pics from the 80's should have kept one . Check out the dates on some of the pictures. I had many 72's but only kept and drove 70 and 71 Dusters which I had many more of.

The blue one was a 4spd someone painted it pink. Recently saw it on this site.


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I would use the 72 to haul the 71's


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Back in the 70's I never liked the 72 Tail lights. They were a sign of low performance/compression taking over. Lately they are starting to be more desirable and growing on me. 1 year only and very hard to find them. I like the old school wheels and tires. Cragars and slots is what was on all of them. Some pics from the 80's should have kept one . Check out the dates on some of the pictures. I had many 72's but only kept and drove 70 and 71 Dusters which I had many more of.

It was actually the taillights that hooked me. I was 16, it was 1980 and what did I know about compression ratios? A guy I knew just bought it and pulled up next to me and the girlfriend on a Friday night when we were out & about. With the factory white 340 stripe package and that grill I thought it was the sexiest car I ever saw. I wanted one since I first saw it and as fate would have it I ended up owning the very same car.

I crunched the production numbers and if they're close to correct it's 1 of 46 made-1972 Duster 340/4 speed in TX9. A friend speculated there might be 10 left. I'm guessing 15...? would not believe the comments i have gotten on my cars over the years. I usually say thanks, a lot of
guys have told me that and i think i'll change that this winter. They walk away proud knowing they helped me see
things the way they should be.