Ate a Can of Ham "expired" Two Years Ago



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
After the wife snacked on some canned ham, she noticed the expiration date was stamped 2016. I'm sure it was still safe to eat, but it makes one wonder, nonetheless.

We tried a can of C-ration peaches we found on Camp Pendelton, dated 1967...they were still orange! I think there is so much salt in that ham that youll be ok, I mean the label says 'Trust us', right?

Oh I also had a beer that was 6 years old, found in the back of a fridge at a friends house. It was a little skunky....
There are 2 types of dates, "Sell by date" and "Use by date"...or something like that. The "Use by date" usually means that it tastes best before that date and after that date it loses some freshness (flavor). But there are limits to the "Use by" date??
i remember one night, i was on my way to bed, but a little bit thirsty
i didnt want to open a whole can of pop because i didnt want that much, so i rummaged through the fridge and i found some orange juice
now, the catch was this stuff had been expired for about a month of two, but, it had been in the fridge the whole time and im sure it as still fine, but just to be sure, i took just a little sip and it tasted fine
so i downed the whole carton (probably about 6-8 ounces left in there) and the best part was, there was a ton of pulp in there, as we all know, thats the best part

after i drank it all i decided to rinse the carton before tossing it in the recycling, so the ants wont get at it
and as im standing there, filling it up with water im reading what all it says on the carton

"happy farms brand orange juice"
"not from concentrate"
"100 % real juice"
"no pulp"
"california oranges"

wait, pulp?
oh crap
I once had a pork tenderloin that was a year out from the Use By date. Frozen the entire time, in that heavy plastic. Quality, as in texture, and taste was still there. Told people at work to get their reaction. All said I should have thrown it out.... Why? I come from a generation that didn't just throw food out. Now milk? That's different. Same thing applies to anything that looks funny or smells funny. I had a serious concussion years ago and my sense of smell and taste was very compromised, if I could not remember when I put something in fridge? I threw it out. Point is I am not careless, just don't like throwing food away. Why I only buy half gallons of milk instead of full gallon. Yes, it costs more, but more importantly I don't waste any...
i remember one night, i was on my way to bed, but a little bit thirsty
i didnt want to open a whole can of pop because i didnt want that much, so i rummaged through the fridge and i found some orange juice
now, the catch was this stuff had been expired for about a month of two, but, it had been in the fridge the whole time and im sure it as still fine, but just to be sure, i took just a little sip and it tasted fine
so i downed the whole carton (probably about 6-8 ounces left in there) and the best part was, there was a ton of pulp in there, as we all know, thats the best part

after i drank it all i decided to rinse the carton before tossing it in the recycling, so the ants wont get at it
and as im standing there, filling it up with water im reading what all it says on the carton

"happy farms brand orange juice"
"not from concentrate"
"100 % real juice"
"no pulp"
"california oranges"

wait, pulp?
oh crap
Kinda like the time I was sick and had a bad sore throat and had been gargling with that yellow Listerine stuff, I woke up in the middle of the night with my throat on fire. I stumbled into the bathroom drowsy, blurry eyed and with only a night light. I grabbed the bottle with the yellow liquid in it, took a big swig and started to gargle. Unknown to wife had been cleaning the bathroom the night before and left a bottle of Pine Sol on the bathroom countertop. You guessed it...I almost puked trying to get all that crap out of my mouth. The worst part was that it was extremely difficult to rinse that crap out of my mouth!!! It tasted nasty as hell and even after rinsing my mouth 20 times I could still taste it...BLLAAAA!! I'm a lot more careful now when I use anything to gargle!!:BangHead:

(Edit) Oh, I forgot.....from experience, gasoline tastes 10 times better than Pine Sol, I don't know what's in that crap but it not good for the human body!!!
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Kinda like the time I was sick and had a bad sore throat and had been gargling with that yellow Listerine stuff, I woke up in the middle of the night with my throat on fire. I stumbled into the bathroom drowsy, blurry eyed and with only a night light. I grabbed the bottle with the yellow liquid in it, took a big swig and started to gargle. Unknown to wife had been cleaning the bathroom the night before and lift a bottle of Pine Sol on the bathroom countertop. You guessed it...I almost puked trying to get all that crap out of my mouth. The worst part was that it was extremely difficult to rinse that crap out of my mouth!!! It tasted nasty as hell and even after rinsing my mouth 20 times I could still taste it...BLLAAAA!! I'm a lot more careful now when I use anything to gargle!!:BangHead:
Damn! You're lucky!!
My Son ate a mexican TV dinner and said it tasted funny. I noticed the dte on it was 2003. Been in the freezer since he was 8 years
When I first went into the Army in 1988, they fed us rations left over from Vietnam.
There was so much salt and preservatives it was unreal.
Then we got MRE's, not sure that was any better.
I had a case of C rations from 1966. I was cleaning out the garage when I ran across it. The whole case was swollen. Pretty much a science experiment. Tossed it in the garbage.
expiration dates are decided by the manufacturer for the manufacturer. They want you to see it and throw it away when it reaches that date and buy more... Common sense and your senses are all you need. How do you think our ancestors survived on dead animals laying in the field. your nose knows some knew when to eat it and others didnt its called natural selection. lol
"How long do you think it's been dead?" "I don't know, how hungry are you?" "I guess not that long":lol:
Best by, and Use by dates are two different things entirely. There is NO government control or specifications for either. Use your head!!!
And what's what's funny I'm eating home canned vegetables, soups, apple sauce and pie filling from 2010.

As long as seal on fhe home canned stuff stays sealed you'll be able to eat it in 2110.
And what's what's funny I'm eating home canned vegetables, soups, apple sauce and pie filling from 2010.

As long as seal on fhe home canned stuff stays sealed you'll be able to eat it in 2110.
If you manage to not eat pie filling for 100 years there is something wrong with you
I am actually an engineer for a packaging company. I also happen to REALLY enjoy mre's. I've eaten some in the last month that were packed in 2011. Never had a bad one yet, but some age better than others depending on storage. There are videos on YouTube by mre Steve 1989, he eats the really old ones. If kept frozen, they'll last centuries.

As far as retail food, if it smells bad, it is bad. Beyond that, I don't even read expiration dates. Tip: that grey steak at the grocery store that is marked down or thrown out is the freshest, cleanest one. It's the one that has an airtight package and the meat has consumed the oxygen so it turned blue. No oxygen, no bugs.

Fresh fish has a new packaging standard: high transfer packaging, designed to give it oxygen. Why?

So the fish goes bad and you smell it, before botulism sets in.

I laughed out loud when I read the OP. Amateur. ;-)
OP, just pretend you are in a "Mad Max" post apocalyptic world. in that situation, that expired ham is a gourmet dinner.
expiration dates are decided by the manufacturer for the manufacturer. They want you to see it and throw it away when it reaches that date and buy more... Common sense and your senses are all you need. How do you think our ancestors survived on dead animals laying in the field. your nose knows some knew when to eat it and others didnt its called natural selection. lol
I spent 25 years in the food biz. Most of it as a meat cutter, your nose isn't actually a great tester for pathogenic bacteria. They don't really give an odor. They will make you sick though!

Spoilage bacteria stink like hell..... likely wont make you sick. I have personally watched people eat food that smelled fine. Puking the next day.

Trust your meat thermometer not your nose. The most dangerous bacteria are usually the easy ones to kill with heat
I am actually an engineer for a packaging company. I also happen to REALLY enjoy mre's. I've eaten some in the last month that were packed in 2011. Never had a bad one yet, but some age better than others depending on storage. There are videos on YouTube by mre Steve 1989, he eats the really old ones. If kept frozen, they'll last centuries.

As far as retail food, if it smells bad, it is bad. Beyond that, I don't even read expiration dates. Tip: that grey steak at the grocery store that is marked down or thrown out is the freshest, cleanest one. It's the one that has an airtight package and the meat has consumed the oxygen so it turned blue. No oxygen, no bugs.

Fresh fish has a new packaging standard: high transfer packaging, designed to give it oxygen. Why?

So the fish goes bad and you smell it, before botulism sets in.

I laughed out loud when I read the OP. Amateur. ;-)
Botulism is not a great risk in fish.

Canned fish in the old tin cans.. sure.

Anything wrapped in aluminum foil and left for days...... yep.

Also Botulism bacteria isn't the problem. Its the poison the bacteria produce that is harmful and botulism poison cant be cooked away