axel housing perch location



Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Indianapolis IN
building up an 8.75,, right now the axel housing is empty,, no axels or center section in it,
while it is that way I want to have the spring perches relocated to match up with off set spring hangers.

I have read a couple of postes that the best way to relocate the perches to get the best pionion angle is to have them not welded, assemble up the leaf springs and axel, get the angle set, tack the perches, then remove the axel and finish the weld.

I don't have welding capability so I will need to take the axel housing to a shop to get the existing perches removed and new ones moved in and re welded.

question,, is there anyway to know that the existing perch location, for angle is correct?
or do you just have to believe that it is and duplicate the location, then use shims as necessary..

anything else that I need to be asking about when looking for a shop to re locate the perches??
When I installed my B body rear in my car I had to move the perches.

What I did (be it right or wrong) was to put a straight edge on the existing perch and etched a line on the axle tube inward toward the center. Then I cut the old perch off, placed the new one on using the line, and tacked it. Did the same thing to the other side. Once I had them tacked, I checked my measurement to be sure I had the 43" on center, and welded them up.

I have had it in my car for two years with zero vibration issues under light throttle or to the floor.

Basically by doing that, I followed the factory pinion angle, and luckily it worked out, lol.
A body car I assume?

If so, stock spec with perches in as installed in car orientation and level, the pumpkin face surface will be 5* up.

Is that right for your car? Who knows, that's where the factory installed them.
take housing and put on 2 jack stands. with a level on the pumpkin face set the housing straight up. now take a carpenters protractor and see what the degree is for the spring perches, mark it on the housing. measure the springs and the stock perch location difference center to center, mark housing. take to shop and have them welded on.
stock spec with perches in as installed in car orientation and level, the pumpkin face surface will be 5* up

It took me a while to figure this one out,,

I got the empty housing setting with the perches up,, opposite of the normal install position, leveled the empty center section to zero, from there the perches are 5 degree +

because the perches are upside down,, would be 5 degree minus with the perches down as the housing would be installed,,

so actually, good info, I just needed to set up what you were saying,,

and for what its worth, I put the angle finder on the tranny out put shaft,, is a '0',, that is with original OE engin and tranny mounts,, they have probably sagged some over the past 40+ years..