B-cuda Arm rest 67-68-69



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I have a 67 b-cuda and I need to restore the interior. I already choose white, The door panels seem useable but the arm rest bases and pads are very well worn out. I have noticed repops of the 68-69 bases look good. But who has a new white arm pad? That is assuming I should convert my 67 one year only to a 68-69 base and pad. I have found repops of the 67 bases front only no pads at all. So I am guessing that converting to the 68-69 bases and pads might work but I don't want black arm rest pads in a white interior. If any has done this or can help please advise. Thanks Caxey1
The pads would need to be dyed pearl white. May as well shoot the door panels too and get a perfect match.
I'm doing a 68 dart, I had to buy some used rear ash tray arm rests off ebay, and dyed them with some interior paint from just dashes and got new bases from Mike @ B/E & A parts, if you dont want to order the dye, most automotive paint stores can sell you interior paint, I've used sem and dupont & both work well.
The paddock sells 67 white front armrest pads.....$99.95 pr.
havent seen any rears...