Back to work...finally!!



member me?
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
East Palestine, Ohio
Well, last week I got a phone call from my employer that laid me off a year and a half ago wanting me to come back!! I went in to talk to them, and they were suprisingly fair. Same wages, a weeks vacation, and my insurance effective immediately! So, its back to remanufacturing locomotive engines. I really do like it, but let me tell you...those parts get heavy after not working for so long!!
Let me be the first to offer a hearty "Congratulations". I hope that you will not be faced with the same situation again.

I am approaching 15 months since I last worked and it gets a little tougher every day. Finally working on my Mopar after so many years in storage helps to keep me sane.
That was good of them to bring back your old wage. Sweet, your back in action.
A bigCongratulations metallidart
I have seen some of those big engines on tv and I could not believe how extra large they are 8) It's good to hear another member has returned to work :cheers: I bet you are standing an inch taller today :cheers:
Congratulations.:cheers: It's a good feeling isn't it?:cheers: We've all been without work at one time or another so I know how it feels.
Congratulations metallidart. It's truly amazing, considering today's impersonal business world, that you were able to go back to work with your original wage, insurance, etc. Consider yourself truly lucky.
Thanks everyone! I do feel extremely lucky. They called me in to talk to me, all 3 bosses, and they said that the biggest reason that they were calling me back and no one else wasn't how hard I worked, etc, but the fact that I called in about once a month and just asked how things were down there, not being upset, just generally curious about the situation. They had said they would call me back, it was just a matter of when. I was the only person that called in to check on my job status, and they said that showed that I actually care about the job and thats the kind of attitude they want there. I feel great! A little worn out, but great!
Glad to hear your back in the groove!Didn,t I read your getting married?If so,this is a definite plus for you and your future bride!:cheers:
Yep, getting married too!! Life is great right now, and I've learned to try my hardest not to take anything for granted, it can go to crap real quick.