bad Spelers anonimus.



Still plays with cars.
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Cocoa, Fl
Hello, my name is Christopher and I'm a bad speller. I've struggled all my life:read2:. My head is geared more for science, mechanical(hands on), and mathmatics. There, I said it. Step #1 is done. :toothy5:
I am a terrible speller, although I won state national spelling championships in school.

I don't take the time to use spellcheck so my spelling sucks because I type really fast with two fingers.LOL.
This is a club I need to join. I am getting better thanks to this site but still cant spell very well.
spell good !? No i know that but try to do my best.
My mother use to say I only learned to read because of bicycle and car magazines. The same can be said for these online forums and spelling. My limited writing and spelling skills have really improved over the years as a direct result from this and other online forums.