Bad week



Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
So neon quit me saturday. Girlfriend blew headgasket in her Suzuki. Took out duster sat. Night shifted at 6700rpm which have done for years. Now is rattling in motor. And dad tells me. Hey was pushing yor bigblock dart drag car out of the shop back into the enclosures trailer and we knocked a hole in your oil pan. And we did not know till next night when all 8-9 qts of oil was setting on floor of my trailer. Wonderful. What a great week. On the bright side my 4 yr. Old twin girls that I coach in t ball did win tonight. Lol. Since divorced and no real extra Money not sure how long it will be before I can fix anything. I am rather depressed and just thinking maybe I should sell everything. And just get out of it. Getting to the point of just giving up.
1. Sorry about your crappy week
2. Good deal on your little girls victory
3. DON'T sell nothing, see how things shake out first.....
Just bummed. I have a 67 bb coronet 2 dr hardtop. The small block duster that has run 11.92. And my bb dart that has run 10.42. May be easier if just sell. But would be really hard to let them go. They are paid for and figures it would be girls inheritance. Im sure I most likely would not. Just reallyfinancially bummed.
Just bummed. I have a 67 bb coronet 2 dr hardtop. The small block duster that has run 11.92. And my bb dart that has run 10.42. May be easier if just sell. But would be really hard to let them go. They are paid for and figures it would be girls inheritance. Im sure I most likely would not. Just reallyfinancially bummed.
You are not alone in the way you feel, more than one of us has been in your shoes.....
Rough week for sure :-( it'll get better, atleast that's what I keep telling thing at a time and take pride in small victories :) headgasket on the neon sounds like a good start to make you feel like your making headway.
it'll get better. start with small stuff like posted above.when you finish a project it will make you feel better.