It's been 30+ years since I dealt with less than "Modern MOPAR"!
Nothing but PTs and Challengers since 2006.
So, yes I would seem ignorant to most of you guys. But, I'm willing to learn.
Pictures below....
Drivers side has only oil fill cap....and that fits pretty loose....I can depress it easily; so not sealed.
Passenger side has fill cap, and PCV valve.
**Upon inspection, the hose from the carb end is very loose, even though the Gates hose doesn't look that old.
Fit on PCV valve end was OK....BUT....the grommet was toast!!! Lucky that I got it out in one piece....not leaving anything inside.
Also pictured below.
My guess is that there was very little vacuum happening. is my plan: (I like the look of the red and black MOPAR air filter cover, and valve covers; will keep it for now.)
1. New PCV valve and standard grommet ordered. (We'll see how that std grommet fits)
2. New vacuum hose bought today.
3. Thereby having the vacuum pulling on the passenger side; ordering a new MOPAR cap for a better seal.
4. Ordered a MOPAR breather for the driver's side. If everything is reasonably sealed, the breather (breathing inwards only) on the driver's side should act as it's own baffel. (breather I ordered says is has a built-in baffel)
5. Re-evalaute the bad leak on the driver's side; subsequently pulling and resealing the cover.
( so far no luck on finding the same exact PCV valve grommet)
Unless someone convinces me that's a bad idea!