Banned from Facebook!!!!! Rant!



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Most people here know I have been in the old Mopar hobby forever, I am 76. (almost forever)! I sell usually 1 car a year or so, and been trying to get down to just one done car. I am old and woreout. I have listed cars on FB Marketplace for years and on some of the Mopar groups there also. I hardly ever get anything sold off Marketplace, but thru groups usually because it is cheap enough a guy will drive several states to come get it.

About three weeks ago I listed my 62 Lancer on FB Marketplace and one early A body group. I had a message from a guy sending me his cell and asked me to call him. Which I did. Conversation was "why are you calling me? " I said you asked me to I assume about the Lancer. He says "o yea, I have been calling on cars ALL day." I told him all about the car, and told him it is titled in my name but Mo. title. He goes nuts about the title and starts getting ugly and I just hung up. Next day I sold the car to a guy from Tn. and he drove down here to Tx. and picked it up.

Next day FB informs me I am being banned, gives NO reason, just says refer to FB rules. I have 3 days to protest, which I try to do but, long story short, FB has my old email address which I can't get in and have another one which they will not use, my cell is just a flip phone that does not text, they will not call my wife's cell, etc etc etc etc. So I am banned.

They are trying to make me out a crook, a scammer, I can't even make a thread on a car site. I am pissed and insulted!!!!!! I would not care, but I have 2 Fords I want to sell!!!!! Darned thing I have ever seen!!!!

At my age, I admit I am NO computer guy for sure, but looks like FB picks up on me IF I use my computer!!!!!!!! So making a new account would probablyh not work. Wife uses her computer and smart phone and is on FB all the time. But she is on there using my account!! because years ago, she had NO idea how to open her an account!!!!!!! I am afraid IF she tries to place me an add, somehow she will be BANNED!!!!!!!!

Darndest thing I have ever encountered!!!!!!! Did I mention I am pissed. FB must be the sorriest company in the world!!!
Someone hacked into my account and changed the password so I couldn't get in. FB makes it very hard to communicate with them, and the best I got out of them was, just set up a new account. But when I did I got banned because the rules say you can't have two accounts! They are the ones who told me to do it! I don't miss getting on there and wasting time.
the idiots at facebook pulled down a post that a friend of mine posted the obit of 1 of our long time chevy guys. the SMFI'S said he was trying to get likes. Facebook is run by retarded azzhole know nothings.
There are some really good old car sites on FB. Good guys, nice cars and projects, great help sometimes, varies by site....but 99% of FB marketplace is idiots and overpriced junk.
For sure, FB Marketplace is full of scammers trying to rip off people supposedly selling parts ( they do not have!). Maybe such BS selling cars on there too, don't know./ I have bought a few project cars off Marketplace, but it is a real large struggle. Done with that too!!
Most people here know I have been in the old Mopar hobby forever, I am 76. (almost forever)! I sell usually 1 car a year or so, and been trying to get down to just one done car. I am old and woreout. I have listed cars on FB Marketplace for years and on some of the Mopar groups there also. I hardly ever get anything sold off Marketplace, but thru groups usually because it is cheap enough a guy will drive several states to come get it.

About three weeks ago I listed my 62 Lancer on FB Marketplace and one early A body group. I had a message from a guy sending me his cell and asked me to call him. Which I did. Conversation was "why are you calling me? " I said you asked me to I assume about the Lancer. He says "o yea, I have been calling on cars ALL day." I told him all about the car, and told him it is titled in my name but Mo. title. He goes nuts about the title and starts getting ugly and I just hung up. Next day I sold the car to a guy from Tn. and he drove down here to Tx. and picked it up.

Next day FB informs me I am being banned, gives NO reason, just says refer to FB rules. I have 3 days to protest, which I try to do but, long story short, FB has my old email address which I can't get in and have another one which they will not use, my cell is just a flip phone that does not text, they will not call my wife's cell, etc etc etc etc. So I am banned.

They are trying to make me out a crook, a scammer, I can't even make a thread on a car site. I am pissed and insulted!!!!!! I would not care, but I have 2 Fords I want to sell!!!!! Darned thing I have ever seen!!!!

At my age, I admit I am NO computer guy for sure, but looks like FB picks up on me IF I use my computer!!!!!!!! So making a new account would probablyh not work. Wife uses her computer and smart phone and is on FB all the time. But she is on there using my account!! because years ago, she had NO idea how to open her an account!!!!!!! I am afraid IF she tries to place me an add, somehow she will be BANNED!!!!!!!!

Darndest thing I have ever encountered!!!!!!! Did I mention I am pissed. FB must be the sorriest company in the world!!!

I agree , I have been banned for unknown reasons and they wont post why ....f----em !
I'm really sorry to hear this. I signed-up for FB only recently (under my dogs names!), but only because of the Marketplace feature that seems to be killing-off CL (I, too, have several Fords I'm trying to sell and/or part out).

Having said that, did you say you have some Fords for sale? I grew up in a Ford family/household, and....well...from Day One here I've been open and honest about it:

Shoot me a PM on what you have/are selling, as I just may be interested in taking a Road Trip to TX!

I sold Tonkas on Ebay. They paid me and I instantly transferred the money. Then the buyer filed Item not as described. They sent the item back and provided tracking. Problem was they sent me back a box of junk.

Now I can't go on Ebay with that IP address I am banned until I send them $2496.00. They must think I am stupid.

Recently I saw the Tonkas I sold the person listed on Facebook by the same person. These were used and had marks that were identifiable proving they never sent what I sold them back.

Sent the ad to Ebay and their reply was . Its a civil mater and I should report them to local police. So I asked them why didn't they tell that to the buyer when when they complained "not as described" Fuug Ebay and Facebook. I just got another IP address.
ebay and fakebook's policies are both a big joke. They protect the crooks without question and don't give 2 ***** about honest people. - much like our current justice system.
Thank-you for sharing your experiences. I was going to pull the plug and get a FB account because it "seems" that is where more stuff sells. But I don't need the aggravation.
I was in a local Mopar club, they had monthly newsletters ( on paper ), then it went to FB only. Oh well, I did get to one swap meet this year! May try for two next year. Thinkin' face-to-face dealing is the best.
EDIT: I have not had problems purchasing parts here and as far as I know have had no complaints on items I've sold.
I was going to pull the plug and get a FB account because it "seems" that is where more stuff sells. But I don't need the aggravation.
That was my thinking as well (see response #11 above), but so far I've yet to really get into it, and I don't want to put out any "bad Karma" out there. I always want to believe the best in people, but these days....we'll see!
I've had roughly 40 Facebook accounts banned. The most in one day was four. That was for posting footage proving Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense

Marketplace has become a bigger **** show than Craigslist ever was.

I've completely given up on Facebook as a useful product
Never got on "marketplace" completely as an independent seller. Have had some friends place ads for me as am not comfortable with it's format.
Some things did sell - construction materials, irrigation and drainage pipe, some fencing.
Car parts, though that's another story. Endless BS, no shows, excuses, most were extremely non-committal, and they didn't READ the ad to determine my stuff wasn't in their Backyard. Attention spans of a Gnat. ****-show is my take on the place.
One reason I go to FB is so I can go to a site of my 66 HS classmates. I keep up with who is alive and not, who needs serious prayers, etc.

I have sold 1 car off FB Marketplace but maybe 5-6cars off the car site groups.

I will buy a part of Feebay but I refuse to sell there as it is full of BS!
I do use Paypal that Feebay owns but I have never had any issue with them.
One reason I go to FB is so I can go to a site of my 66 HS classmates. I keep up with who is alive and not, who needs serious prayers, etc.

I have sold 1 car off FB Marketplace but maybe 5-6cars off the car site groups.

I will buy a part of Feebay but I refuse to sell there as it is full of BS!
I do use Paypal that Feebay owns but I have never had any issue with them.
sometimes you have to use a forum that other people use to keep in touch. No harm in that. We had 84 total class members in the class of 1984. My wife is on's not for this old fart...LOL
My wife has had more 'timeouts' from flakebook than I can count because she has a very strong opinion on politics and is also an admin on several political groups on flakebook. I have little to no use for it, and only scan through marketplace for any good deals.
The problem with selling on fakebook is you get to deal with people who have time to waist on fakebook

I got a set of wheels on there from my truck, and got a text last nite "I can be there in an hour"

Sure, head on over

"They are 17s, right?'

No, 275-70/18

Oh, nevermind
I quit Fecebook permanently in '10 or '11. The cravings were constant for a couple days, itchy like mosquito bites for most of a week, then faded away over another week or 10 days. That shіt is addictive and toxic like cigarettes, and (also like cigarettes) they deliberately make it hard AF to walk away from. Are you suuuuuure you want to delete your account? Here, why don't you just pause it instead, in case you change your mind, heh heh heh. Fsck that noise!

I don't miss it. I still manage to buy and sell stuff and keep in touch with friends and relatives, and my blood pressure is better/lower.
I don't miss it. I still manage to buy and sell stuff and keep in touch with friends and relatives, and my blood pressure is better/lower.

I did buy a roof off of some tweaker

And the more I got into it, the more I realized, these boys don't own what the are selling me

Yeah, that was a "safety off" situation

Looks great on my house though