Barbwire or electric wire....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Our yard is fenced in with a 48" high woven wire/field fence. Beginning to get concerned that the pups may get over it here in the near future. Debating on which one to use on top of the existing fence.....barbwire or an electric wire. I like the idea of the barb wire. We have no electric anywhere near the fence so powering the electric wire may be problematic. I have seen batteries for the electric wire that are solar. Concerned that with the way our winters can be that we may not have enough sun to keep it charged. On the other hand a neighbor has barbwire on top of his fence and it does not stop his pooch from going over it....
I'd hate to see one of 'em get tore up on barbed wire. Frankly, I doubt that will stop them. Some dogs can "climb" fences like a ladder, others learn to clear them clean. Friend of mine used to have a mix Lab / Setter. One time he bought a wood about a 22' cabin cruiser to restore, had it in the yard on blocks. The gunwales were nearly 10' off the had to stand on the top of a 5-6' ladder and hoist yourself over nearly chest high

"Chump" was sitting on the ground. I looked down at him and said "go for ride?" And WHAM he was IN THAT BOAT.
I'd hate to see one of 'em get tore up on barbed wire. Frankly, I doubt that will stop them. Some dogs can "climb" fences like a ladder, others learn to clear them clean. Friend of mine used to have a mix Lab / Setter. One time he bought a wood about a 22' cabin cruiser to restore, had it in the yard on blocks. The gunwales were nearly 10' off the had to stand on the top of a 5-6' ladder and hoist yourself over nearly chest high

"Chump" was sitting on the ground. I looked down at him and said "go for ride?" And WHAM he was IN THAT BOAT.
Good point on tearing them up. Parents had a Cattle Dog that climbed the fence. She would go play with the neighbors dogs for a while and then climb it to come home. She figured out the neighbors feeding schedule and was sure not to miss it.
How big is your property? The 'invisible fence' things work. You bury a wire loop around the perimeter of the yard and plug it in by the house. The dog gets a collar that gives him a little discouragement if he tries to get past the wire. My in-laws had 2 acres in Washington and didn't want a fence - this was the ticket for them:

Or, how about something like this DIY roller on top of your fence?


  • FenceRoller.jpg
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5 acres....about 2k perimeter feet...with a crap load of rocks. Need something that I will be able to do in the winter. Going to be busy for the next several weeks, by the time I get enough free time to work on this the ground will no doubt be frozen.

Would have a problem with them wearing anything else on there collar as they all wear magnets to get in the house....
5 acres....about 2k perimeter feet...with a crap load of rocks. Need something that I will be able to do in the winter. Going to be busy for the next several weeks, by the time I get enough free time to work on this the ground will no doubt be frozen.

Would have a problem with them wearing anything else on there collar as they all wear magnets to get in the house....

don`t do this if there is a chance a person will touch it!!! I had a couple of wolf pups once, they could climb my fence at will. took an elec cord and ran the black wire to the insulated top wire on the fence, the white wire just capped off at the plug. only time it used any elec. was when it was first plugged in, and when something or some one grounded it. it stopped one of them, she hit it w/ her nose, wouldn`t go near the fence again. the other one had extremly long hair, and it didn`t ground on her, she just crawled thru it as she was goin over the top. was always afraid a kid would come along and touch it--- you`ve heard the saying, don`t do this at home!!!!
Go with a solar charger, they will run close to a week on a charge. Plus the dogs will only hit that wire once, to get the hint. I have one on a mile and a half of fence for the horses. They touched it once and stay away from it now.
No to barbed wire ...... that wont stop them it will just cut them up. ...... one or two strands of electric wire and a solar charger would be your best bet...... it will stay charged awhile and once the dogs get shocked a few times they won't mess with it.. even if its off ......... at least our horses are like that. .....sometimes our fence isn't even on for a day or so , they don't know.
don`t do this if there is a chance a person will touch it!!!!!

................Uh...................!!!!!! ????..................

I don't believe Doug was advocating using LINE VOLTAGE but rather an animal electric fence controller..............................
don`t do this if there is a chance a person will touch it!!! I had a couple of wolf pups once, they could climb my fence at will. took an elec cord and ran the black wire to the insulated top wire on the fence, the white wire just capped off at the plug. only time it used any elec. was when it was first plugged in, and when something or some one grounded it. it stopped one of them, she hit it w/ her nose, wouldn`t go near the fence again. the other one had extremly long hair, and it didn`t ground on her, she just crawled thru it as she was goin over the top. was always afraid a kid would come along and touch it--- you`ve heard the saying, don`t do this at home!!!!

................Uh...................!!!!!! ????..................

I don't believe Doug was advocating using LINE VOLTAGE but rather an animal electric fence controller..............................

Line voltage? Hell, I was going to see if Avista could drop another 400 amp line off my transformer.....

Seriously, lots of folks out here have juice fences. And most folks put up a warning sign. If there is a sign warning you of a juiced fence and you touch it it means 2 things...the first being you are an idiot and the second...well....see the first.....have warned any and all folks that have reason to stick there hands thru the fence that my dogs may bite you....not to mention there are "beware of dog" signs posted to let those that I have not talked to know about the hounds.....the live fence sign will just be another warning.....

The pups are the ones I am concerned about getting out. Our older 2 keep all 4 feet firmly planted on the ground. Brings a smile to my face to hear the garbage truck coming down the road and the pups tearing thru the yard, fir standing up on there backs as they are heading to the fence....
Why not just train the dogs? Much less expensive and if done right guaranteed to work. Just takes time.