Barracuda grille


Peter L

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
Currently restoring the grille on my '69 Barracuda. What silver should I use on the outer shell and the 'egg crate' pieces on the back? Are the back pieces silver or grey. It is hard to tell because there is a bunch of overspray on them.
Thanks, Pete.
On my 69 Barracuda the outer shell from the factory looks like light argent silver. The metal egg crate pieces were a slightly darker grayish color but I don't think there was paint on them. Looked like natural metal finish or maybe an anodized finish of some sort, there was no paint flaking off my original egg crates. The Formula S outer shell and egg crates I believe are black. Someone here will know more about the egg crate finish.
These are the colors I used to refinish my grill on my A56 cuda. I do believe some models used a different paint combo, argent for surround and/or bezel. The second photo is what I started with.
The paint is what was recommended on this sight from another thread for the black.



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It's not correct for my car, but I really like the looks of the black. Hmmm.... now you got me thinking.
I like the scoops too. There were a pair in the swap meet 2 weeks ago in Columbus. Dang, I should have bought them!

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