Barracuda trunk inside panel



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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San Diego
OK, I got the reproduction cardboard trunk rear interior panel from Layson's, made by RemAutoInc. Nice looking piece, but, it doesn't fit without modification. I compared it to an original finish panel that I have on one of my '66's and I find a few differences. I've tried to fit it in two different cars at this point, and have the same problem on both. The overall length of the replacement is a bit longer, but, that's not a problem. Width is pretty much the same too, and not a problem. It's the cut-out for the latch support that is the biggest problem. It's not centered, not big enough, and has rounded corners instead of square ones. The corner issue is not a big deal as those corners are hard to see once it's installed and the plastic latch cover is installed over it. The centering is a bit more of a problem. If you line up the screw mounting slots to where they are centered on the mounting brackets, the U-shaped cut-out for the latch support bracket isn't centered, so, you have to cut the center hole bigger on one side. Even though the hole needed to be cut bigger to begin with, it will now leave a gap on the other side of the latch support bracket. How bad that gap will be, I won't know until I get it totally installed. Also, the screw mounting slots are not vertically in the same spot as an original, so, you have to drill new holes in the mounting bracket. The good part of cutting the center hole bigger, is that you can now square off the corners to make it look like an original if you want. I'll try to remember to post some photos once I get it installed. If I had to do it over, I'd probably just make one. The shipping costs more than the part, so, if you chose to buy one, maybe see if they will bring one to a show near you to save on the shipping cost.
That’s a bummer, if they are gonna go through the time and trouble of making it you think they could atleast get it right!
The one I got a little over a year ago fit perfectly. None of the issues you brought up weren't a problem. Slid right into place and the screw holes even lined up perfectly, which I thought would be a problem. I wonder if they had a new guy cutting them.
Here's a few photos of the differences. The center "U" shaped hole is after I trimmed it. You can see one of the pieces I cut off. I also squared the corners to match the original. I also see another little notch at the bottom of the original, but, you don't see that once installed. the overall length difference is about 2 inches or so. Not enough to interfere with anything. The difference in where the screw slots are located, the new ones are about an inch higher than the original.



Here's the panel installed. I looks like the gap on the driver's side won't be visible once I get the latch cover installed, but, I won't know for sure until I do it. I'll post another when I get it mounted. So far, I'm pleased with the way it looks. It just would have been nice not to have had to modify it to fit.



Here it is with the latch cover installed. I had to slide the panel to the side a bit to sort of center the gaps on each side of the cover. Not too bad, but could have been better. In this case, the latch cover had to go on first, then the panel. I also had to reproduce the small "V" notch at the bottom to add enough clearance for everything to fit flat against the rear body panel. This setup is installed in a '66 Valiant convertible that I'm modifying a bit. I did try the replacement panel on a '66 Barracuda that came with the used panel you see in the photos. The fit problems were the same as the convertible, even though the latch supports are slightly different too. In mounting the latch cover (not something used on a Signet convertible as far as I know) I found that the welded-in latch bracket was different enough to where I had to drill new holes in the plastic latch cover. the original existing holes didn't line up with any metal for the mounting screws to grab.

Thanks for the report on the issues of the trunk panel.
I'm just getting to this part on my car. I spent a week repairing and gluing back together the plastic trunk catch cover.
The shipping costs more than the part, so, if you chose to buy one, maybe see if they will bring one to a show near you to save on the shipping cost.

Interesting. Collector's Auto Supply has them for sale on eBay for $161.00, but that price includes free shipping. I'd guess that Layson's doesn't charge $130 to ship their $30 trunk panel.
I can't remember exactly what the shipping was, but, yes it was more than the cost of the part....not a lot more though.