Baseball Fans ????

This thread is fun! Going all the way back to the beginning of the season, seeing the Yankees bashing going on. Now they're the only 80 game winners in the Majors (85-48), the Big Crapi has been exposed, the Sox are 7.5 games back...can't ever call a season at the start.
This thread is fun! Going all the way back to the beginning of the season, seeing the Yankees bashing going on. Now they're the only 80 game winners in the Majors (85-48), the Big Crapi has been exposed, the Sox are 7.5 games back...can't ever call a season at the start.

It was great hearing the razzing Sloppi got last night about his juicing. 8)

Fun game last night but I am paying today. I hardly ever stay up past 10 anymore. The wife get's up at 6:30 so I get up as a courtesy to her. I think i'm still buzzed.:toothy10:
It was great hearing the razzing Sloppi got last night about his juicing. 8)

Fun game last night but I am paying today. I hardly ever stay up past 10 anymore. The wife get's up at 6:30 so I get up as a courtesy to her. I think i'm still buzzed.:toothy10:

Personally, I would love to see TB or Texas overcome the Sox for the wildcard. Now's the time TB needs to be winning to make up ground.
Scored 4 free tickets to tonight's Rays, Red Sox game. :cheers:

The Yankee announcers mentioned there were only like 17,000 attendees for that game. Against the Sox no less. Florida is football country unfortunately. How could hat be though? The Rays are still in contention.

I have to say I was one of those Yankee fans that had their obituary written early. They were not playing well at all and the Sox looked unstoppable. My wife tells me I'm a bad fan and I have no faith in my team. Must be from watching those perennially bad teams throughout most of the '80's and early '90s.

They have exceeded expectations though this year and are really firing on all cylinders during the second half. A-Rod has even had some 'clutch' hits during this stretch. Jury is still out on A-Roid though, I won't change my mind about him until he drives in a crucial run in a tight playoff/World Series game. Jeter does that consistently.

Also, Jeter is about to break The Iron Horse's record for most hits as a Yankee. That's unbelievable considering some of the names he's passed already - Berra, Mantle etc.
Go Cardinals.....Can't stand Tony but with Duncan they can definately take young players and have them play above their level. And for the cub fans....

C ompletely
U sesless
B eyond
S eptember
A-Rod has even had some 'clutch' hits during this stretch. Jury is still out on A-Roid though, I won't change my mind about him until he drives in a crucial run in a tight playoff/World Series game. Jeter does that consistently.

Also, Jeter is about to break The Iron Horse's record for most hits as a Yankee. That's unbelievable considering some of the names he's passed already - Berra, Mantle etc.

Gonna have to agree with you on A-Rod. Once he proves he can hit in the clutch in the playoffs, I'll be sold.

What kills me is the talking heads in baseball have Jeter as on overrated player. Really? As consistantly as he plays, without a lot of time on the DL, on verge of breaking Lou Gehrigs all time Yankees hit list, he'll have over 3,000 when he retires, has won a Series MVP, four championships, six penants anchoring that defense, hitting over .300 for his career, scoring the runs he has, hitting in clutch, a Gold Glove at the 6 position, he'll be a first ballot Hall of Famer, and some of these idiots consider him overrated? Why, because he isn't written about in the tabloids and the fans and media love him?
back to back GO PHILS!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** the Mets!!!!!!!!!!

Just goes to prove a good team can still have idiots for fans....

Watch your laungage guys. I haven't banned anyone in MONTHS.... but that doesn't mean I've forgotten how. I know this is an old post, but C`mon.... watch what you say.
Just goes to prove a good team can still have idiots for fans....

Watch your laungage guys. I haven't banned anyone in MONTHS.... but that doesn't mean I've forgotten how. I know this is an old post, but C`mon.... watch what you say.

Sore about your Metsies eh? Hey, things are looking up, Beltran looks good in the MINORS!! :snakeman:

Just ribbin' ya man. Baseball has been irrelevant in Queens this year since what, May? Hey, there's always next year.

I hear that the new Shea has better food than they do in the Boogie Down Bronx if that makes ya feel any better..
The Yankee announcers mentioned there were only like 17,000 attendees for that game. Against the Sox no less. Florida is football country unfortunately. How could hat be though? The Rays are still in contention.

Part of it is the economy here is weak right now. The crowd was sparse last night, 20k, and half were Sox fans. Usually these prime games are packed, even if they are rooting for the other team. We are still averaging higher attendence numbers they havn't seen since the inaugural season.
The big thing here is so many other things to do.
Cancun Mexico 2009....8)

New York mets..the second best team in N.Y...:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:..GO YANKEES!!!

Sore about your Metsies eh?..

Actually, I could give a rats-*** about incredibly overpaid prima-donas playing a GAME... I go to ball games because my Wife supports my hobbies, and I reciprocate by going to, yes... Met games. As for poking fun at a team besieged by injuries I can only assume if you see a guy in a wheelchair you'd probably ask if he wants to have a foot race with you. To me, the only game more slow moving and boring than Baseball is Football. Chew on THAT.

What bothers me are the JERKS whom post foul language! Sports are about as volatile as politics, another stupid-*** topic that doesn't belong here on a CAR forum. Go to a baseball message board and ask a question about your 727 or your Holley. See how fast they beat your *** down.

Sports are GAMES. GAMES are PLAYED.... Stop taking it so serious!
I thought that's way made this site so cool. It wasn't just a bunch of
questions about mechanical stuff. I don't have alot of questions about mechanical issues but I can share my knowledge on how to fix things.
I do agree about the foul launguage but I didn't notice any (could have been edited allready)I did see a$$ dropped a couple times. I am not trying to stir any pots here but I think that some comment's made, were out of line. What makes this site great is the range of topics and the fun people who contribute to them. I am a car guy but I have other interest as well. This site covers a majority of them.
Again, I think that is why it has grown so much. More members = more Gold Memberships. Sure not all can afford that but I do see a good majority of them. It all helps.
I have also seen some great charity help going on here. Should those people be told that unless it's about your 727 or Holley they should go away?
Sorry this thread had to come to this, but that statement bothered me.
If I am wrong I will go away.
No offense FASTBACK but I think of a Staff Member as a person of authority here. We should all show each other respect, and most do here. But being told something is a stupid a$$ topic and doesn't belong here because this is a CAR forum is a little off.
It sounds like something struck a nerve with you somehow.
I hope things are well for you.
No offense FASTBACK but I think of a Staff Member as a person of authority here. We should all show each other respect, and most do here. But being told something is a stupid a$$ topic and doesn't belong here because this is a CAR forum is a little off.
It sounds like something struck a nerve with you somehow.
I hope things are well for you.

Thought the same thing, but didn't want to voice an opinion, being relatively new on here, as FASTBACK is usually one of the most well-reasoned and level headed on here. I agree with the language and I understand the mods have a lot of territory to cover looking for it and other "off-topic" points. I understand that after a while this can be a nuisance, but it just seemed uncharactistic, is all.
Personally, I look at this site as not just a tech forum, but also in the way of a big car club. Most of the meetings I've been in at the sit down, let's-all-get-together clubs usually have nothing to do with the building of the cars, just good natured ribbing and socializing. I see a lot of this on here and hope it continues.
Great tech? You betcha! But also the idea of just chatting with fellow motorheads about whatever comes to mind. Worked in a lot of shops with a lot of guys who worked on cars for living, liked working on cars for a living, liked cars in general, but wanted something else other than conversations about cars to fill the day, too.
back to back GO PHILS!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** the Mets!!!!!!!!!!

Care to guess what **** was originally?

HINT: It wasn't *** or ****, words we let slide at times. And yes, it DOES get annoying monitoring children at times.

BTW: Wanna guess why it took this long to find the post? Must be the HUGE interest in baseball on the moderators part....
Thought the same thing, but didn't want to voice an opinion, being relatively new on here, as FASTBACK is usually one of the most well-reasoned and level headed on here.

This just bugged me when I glanced at it last night after the Strays game(what I call them when the play bad) damn bullpen. So this morning I decided to get if off my mind.

OK back to baseball!
Glad I went to the game I did.:cheers:
Youkilis look's like such a pansy when at the plate. where do they teach that stance? Maybe quere eye for the straight guy....Sorry if that's offensive to anyone. Unless your a Boston fan. :toothy10: LOL
I'm just bugged because he allway's rip's us up. Him and Pedroia and Bay and Ellsbury. Even Rocco(former Ray) put one out last night.

Yankees look's unstopable. Untill the playoffs that is.....just tradition speaking.

This thread should be heating up here soon not getting ugly.
Let's all play nice and have some fun to keep our sanity.8)

I think i'll start one for football. :toothy10:

All my comments are made for fun so please don't take them personal here.
Care to guess what **** was originally?

HINT: It wasn't *** or ****, words we let slide at times. And yes, it DOES get annoying monitoring children at times.

BTW: Wanna guess why it took this long to find the post? Must be the HUGE interest in baseball on the moderators part....

My apoligies to you. I am sure you guys have your hand's full playing "babysitter" here.
I'm just a sport's fan who like's to share with other MOPAR nut's who are interested.
I could care less how to hook a turbo to my car but I still love racing. 8)
Care to guess what **** was originally?

HINT: It wasn't *** or ****, words we let slide at times. And yes, it DOES get annoying monitoring children at times.

BTW: Wanna guess why it took this long to find the post? Must be the HUGE interest in baseball on the moderators part....

No, I saw it and understand why you're upset about it, considering the idea that the topic of language has been turned into a sticky. I also understand your annoyance with it, considering we should be able to police ourselves when we post.
I know baseball is over and the Yanks are champs, but here is to Tampa Bay Rays 3rd Baseman Evan Longoria, who a year after winning "Rookie of the year" he pulls off the "Gold Glove" way to go kid! :cheers:
And lets give kudos to Derek Jeter who got his 4th for shortstop..and Mark Texiera who got his third for first..