


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Graham, WA
Every post I seem to touch dies LOL, hopefully this one won't. I'll be home for leave in a little over a week, and would like to have a mopar/fabo bbq. I haven't had a chance to meet any of the FABO people around good old WA, considering i've been deployed since joining up on here. Car's and family welcome, low key hang out and bbq, have some brewski's, maybe ill set up a horse shoe pit 8). Plenty of parking and floor space in case a few turns into a few to many haha. I'm thinking the 26th, since most will probably already have plans for the 4th. Anyone interested?
Bump. Gotta be some FABO folks near you who would like to enjoy a BBQ and welcome home a serviceman. I'd join you, but I'm in SoCal...
Thank you GoFish, i'd join you, but the farthest south I make it is about Sac lol
sorry man, I'm in Cincinnati. Where you from when Uncle Sugar doesn't have you somewhere else? What' your MOS and what the odds you'll ever get to Ft. Knox? A big Striker brigade came from Ft. Lewis to Knox a couple of years ago and now strikers are all over.
It seems that I may live in the wrong state, anyone thats interested seems to be from the south. What kind of people aren't interested in free food and beer?? Thanks for the posts guys even if it doesn't help much LOL.

Gunbunny I wont be getting stationed anywhere else i'm tapping out after 8yrs as a grunt, think im going to stick around WA for now, if i'm ever in the south/OH i'll try and look yall up :) it seems the PacNW is just too cool for bbq and beer.
Maybe if you edit the title to get people's attention----FABO PARTY & BBQ Graham, WA Sat 6/26/10. Give it a little more time to be seen. I know there are members near you who would like to get together.
Good idea i'll try the edit.

Maybe one of these days i'll go on a roadtrip and can put Lex in Colorado or Gilroy one of these days :) I always loved Gilroy...probably because I love garlic so much lol
Tried editing the title but didn't change on the forum, still says ill try and repost