Beer Additives

I guess it's a good thing I like Becks and Samuel Adams. lol Thanks for the info.
Swing and a miss!!! No, really, if you know much of anything at all about beer or how it's made you'll understand what a total load of hooey this is. If it was simply a mountain the author endeavored to create from a molehill he should have better done his homework. Simply, had he a clue about what he wrote he may have realized just how stupid he sounded. Anybody done a chemical analysis of fruit salad or a radiation test on a banana lately?!?
Swing and a miss!!! No, really, if you know much of anything at all about beer or how it's made you'll understand what a total load of hooey this is. If it was simply a mountain the author endeavored to create from a molehill he should have better done his homework. Simply, had he a clue about what he wrote he may have realized just how stupid he sounded. Anybody done a chemical analysis of fruit salad or a radiation test on a banana lately?!?

Just read it and couldnt agree more, and I just cracked another open.
So beer companies "cut" their product with toxic stuff, just like illegal drug dealers....

Crack or beer? Or "crack" open a beer....

Or "beer is my crack"....
Beaver Anal Gland and Dried Fish Bladder?!!? Sounds downright tasty compared to what was probably in the two hot dogs I just ate. Yum!