Has your front bumper been tucked?I can't remember ever seeing a silver / red combination. I think it would pop.
I'm partial to AA1 myself
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Has your front bumper been tucked?
From the picture I couldn’t tell, I haven’t seen one tucked close upI don't think it was. I bought it 10 years ago and, other than a clay bar and some touch up, I haven't touched the outside. I've done the entire drive train, chassis, and interior, but nothing with the body, lol.
Here's a picture of the driver's side.
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That gave me a good laugh, you sir have won the internet for the day!Wow....it made it out of Durham with no bullet holes in it!
So would this have been two tone silver then?The silver paint below the trim line on signets and 1967 Satellites would be the same flat silver as any paint color, not the buffed silver body paint.