Bench Bleeding my Master Cylinder and...



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2014
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Bench bleeding a new master cylinder, and I used a new push rod to push it in and out.. It has a little rubber tip on the end, and I don't want to use this rod. It's for another car. Anyway, the rod is now stuck inside the hole in the back of the master and I can't pull it out. Tried to take the little C-clip off, but that didn't help. Pulled really hard, and it won't come out. Any ideas???
That little sucker can really stick in there. Great design, really – a lot of bang for the buck from a tiny piece of rubber.

When you disassemble it normally, you loosen up the M/C attachment nuts, shim out the M/C from the firewall a bit, then go inside and give the brake pedal a HARD pull backward to dislodge it.

In your case, you'll have to create a similar system, or possibly install it in a car, shimmed-out, and use the brake pedal to hammer it out. That may actually be the easiest thing.

I usually just use the handle of a hammer to bench bleed. Anything that will fit in the hole will work fine, and I prefer to use something non-marring.

– Eric
Put the rod in the vise and leave the M/C hanging. With big screwdriver, ply outwardly on the back piston. This will give you the leverage to separate the piston from the rod.