Best day ever!



Big Block Better Burnout
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida
Last one at work to catch the bug (flu) that has been going around. Thought it missed me! Oh well. Had a fever all day but powered though it. Only 101 right now so no big deal. Pulled into the driveway and there was DUSTER the cat waiting for me on the porch. He has been missing for 18 months. He and his 2 sisters were born in my 74 Duster in the driveway 4 years ago when I neglected to cover the blower motor hole. Mommy took off and didn't come back. He is the only one left. Feral, so indoors is a bad idea I tried it a couple times!


I had 2 Feral cats at one point in my life. Brother and sister. They were both sweet and evil at the same time. Just like everything else that goes neglected they just wanted to be appreciated. It was a pleasure raising them for sure.....

How awesome is that to lose something that long and have it come back into your life..... good stuff...

Wait, you have a thermometer?
I think I had one once.
I ain't seen it since the kids grew up.
But I don't think I'd want to put that one into my mouth.
Maybe I'll get a new adult version someday

Happy Reunion Day
Cool that he came back to visit. I wouldn’t want to try to tame a feral cat that has been that way for 4 years...especially a male cat. Best to leave him feral and maybe feed him a little so he hangs around.

If you want to help the feral cat overpopulation, get him neutered. Many organizations do it for free.
Cool that he came back to visit. I wouldn’t want to try to tame a feral cat that has been that way for 4 years...especially a male cat. Best to leave him feral and maybe feed him a little so he hangs around.

If you want to help the feral cat overpopulation, get him neutered. Many organizations do it for free.

He lets me rub his belly and I can pick him up, but not for long! I've tried a couple times to get him into a cage but he is way too smart. I think that is why the county has never been able to pick up him like they did his sisters.
He lets me rub his belly and I can pick him up, but not for long! I've tried a couple times to get him into a cage but he is way too smart. I think that is why the county has never been able to pick up him like they did his sisters.

Mine were both a labor of love.... The male really warmed up to me and he had a routine of laying with me during certain times. And other times he enjoyed the outlaw life as I called it and wanted to be left alone.

Now the female was a piece of work. She so wanted someone to just love on her and when you earned her trust she was a total babydoll. But when helter skelter showed up from inside her just let her be.

I caught both of them at an apartment complex I was living at while having a house built and it took one heck of feat to catch them both and bring them to the country with me. The were both killing machines....

Mine were both a labor of love.... The male really warmed up to me and he had a routine of laying with me during certain times. And other times he enjoyed the outlaw life as I called it and wanted to be left alone.

Now the female was a piece of work. She so wanted someone to just love on her and when you earned her trust she was a total babydoll. But when helter skelter showed up from inside her just let her be.

I caught both of them at an apartment complex I was living at while having a house built and it took one heck of feat to catch them both and bring them to the country with me. The were both killing machines....


I will never forget opening the hood on my Duster and his little head peeking out at me through the firewall. I have a picture of it somewhere. The 2nd one was spotted on my Caltracs bar so I named it Caltracs and the 3rd one was found in the engine compartment so it was named Motors. LOL. Duster loves BBQ and one time came flying across the yard and bit my leg (not hard) when I was carrying ribs off the grill. He couldn't wait!
Honda and Abi Bin Hoffman. I live too close to Coyoteville to let them go outside. Honda after the big black motorcycle. Bin Hoffman because he's a Jewish Islamic terrorist, complete with gun turret and weapons lab. Mopar Man, good luck with that flu. Whichever strain I got kept me sidelined for a month.
Most places have a low cost TNR program, and they tip one ear.
Ours is $25.

The county then knows they have been vaccinated and sterilized, and doesn't pick them up so they can be killed.
Just an update on Duster. He's sticking around this time and WAY friendlier than I ever remember him. So I get to thinking, this cat does NOT act aggressive anymore... then I notice his left ear is snipped. AHA! A quick check under the tail and yup, he's been fixed. So he was in cat jail all this time and they must have let him out after the surgery. He actually purrs now and never did that before either.
Just an update on Duster. He's sticking around this time and WAY friendlier than I ever remember him. So I get to thinking, this cat does NOT act aggressive anymore... then I notice his left ear is snipped. AHA! A quick check under the tail and yup, he's been fixed. So he was in cat jail all this time and they must have let him out after the surgery. He actually purrs now and never did that before either.
You might have a chance of making him a house cat now...maybe.
Just an update on Duster. He's sticking around this time and WAY friendlier than I ever remember him. So I get to thinking, this cat does NOT act aggressive anymore... then I notice his left ear is snipped. AHA! A quick check under the tail and yup, he's been fixed. So he was in cat jail all this time and they must have let him out after the surgery. He actually purrs now and never did that before either.

My vet will say and neuter feral cats for free. It's actually a good thing.

I detest people who dump animals. I have a cute cat living out in the field in front of my house and I can't catch it.