Best disposable razor ???????????

get yourselves an electric shaver and use it every day, no hassle.

Yup, that's the ticket right there. I use one and have been for years. Shave each night.

Key thing is make sure you do it before you shower so whiskers are dry and bristled.

Once your face/whiskers acclimate to it, it works like a charm.

Best part, no more spending money on razors.
Damn you ,you found gel,you Bastard! (All in fun).

I don't always shave my bush... :tongue5:

But when I do, I use gel.... :D

I'm the most interesting man in the world.... :eye:


This is just for a laugh and to mock that commercial. Don't take it too seriously...
Do you leave a stripe on your bush also??? :laughing:

Or as a coworker I used to know would say, "Back in my day the girls had big huge hairy bushes. Now they get those "mohawks" going on down there...." LOL! :angel5:

No, all i have is a moustache on my face. Everything else is ''au naturelle''.
It gives people the illusion that i still have testosterone left at my age. :D