Best Friend



Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
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North Bay, Ontario
2 weeks ago this past Friday I lost my best friend of over 17 years. She was actually 17 years & 3 months, when it was time for her to move on. I am Not someone you shares what is on his mind or expresses what he is feeling so I am not sure why I am even typing this, maybe it is because I have had a few & we picked up her remains from the Vet today as my wife & I had her cremated. Yes, if you have not figured it out I am talking about my dog. Yes that was her taking a nap in our trailer.

But I never thought of her as just my dog, she was & always will be a part of my family. Got her when she was 8 weeks old & remember her first night with us like it was yesterday.

Know matter what kind of day I had at work, she was always glad to see me when I got home. Tail wagging & always looking just happy... I had that girl longer than I have had my two boys. They are un-judgemental, They Are always happy to see you when you come home, no matter what.

I am Not looking for sympathy or prayers as I am not a religious man, I think I just needed to share this.

Thank you for talking the time to read my rant, if you have. Now go & hug your dog or pet them or how ever you show them affection. As that is All they want in return for what they give us.


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What a pretty dog she was.....I can completely understand your loss, especially after 17yrs. My condolences.
Sorry to hear this my friend! We sure do miss our Sasha (black lab) who died two years ago. We rescued a new dog - Lucy - and already she throws a fit if I am away for the day. She wants to be with her dad everywhere except when I'm in my big Denali. She's afraid of riding in trucks but she's fine riding in a car - very strange.

Its time to Make a new friend!
My dog is also my best friend. having been out of work for the better part of the last 5 years, im not sure I would have been able to maintain my sanity without her. I feel your pain.
She looked like a sweet old dog. My condolences.
sorry for the loss of the most loyal companion a man can have.
dogs are always there, when others are not.
truely mans best friend, take care sir
My condolensces, Lori and I know exactly how you feel, we lost Jemma 2 weeks ago, she was 17 as well. Here is a pic of Jemma, its Loris favorite.
Its amazing how close and attached you get to them! Great looking dog by the way.


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So sorry for your loss.
I hate reading these kind if threads, A few years back we had to put Mr. Max to sleep. His ashes are sitting on the tv stand, every time I think about him I tear up a bit. For some of us they are a lot more than just a pet.
.................Sorry to hear this.....I feel ur pain....I've lost a few pets also. They truly are our best
Sorry to hear about your lose buddy. Yes they do certainly become part of the family and are always there for you. We have an Old English Sheepdog and I am not sure what we will do without our big clown in the house.
Nice looking dog. Looks like the kind of fur it feels good to run your fingers through :)

One of my cats has been missing for almost 5 days, but at 4:00am this morning he showed up! It's not been an easy four days, and I was pretty sure we'd never see him again.

We all know they have a much shorter lifespan, but it doesn't make it any easier.
Sorry to hear. Its amazing how you get so attached and you stop feeling that its a cat or dog or pet. They become family, your best friend and something you can always rely on and will be there for you.I understand and im glad you shared. All the best
Very sorry for your loss. This is a day I dread. We have a 10 month old dog and I couldn't even imagine putting him down. they give you everything and ask nothing in return,they are amazing animals.

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Sorry for your loss. You took very good care of your dog for her to have lived that long. Enjoy your memories...

We loss both our dogs during the last 2 years. We miss them both.

Ma Snart


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Unfortunately I know pretty well what you mean. My sincerest condolences to you and your family for your loss. :(
Sorry to hear about everyone's loss. My Condolences
I know your pain also, and I'm sorry you have to go through it, but unfortunately they don't live as long as we want them to. I lost my old pup almost a year ago, and I still think of her every day.

Sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful dog!
Just wanted to say Thank You to all the members who took time to read & comment on my post about my girl. I Miss her very much, as my house feels empty without her. I also want to say to everyone who has lost a pet my Deepest heart felt condolences, I understand what you are going though.

Thank You FABO


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I'm sorry to hear about your loss, this is Tucker. They really become a part of your family!


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Sorry to hear. Pets do become family.
Remember if you were to lock your dog and wife in the trunk for an hour. When you open the trunk which one is happy to see you?
Had to put my best friend (a 16 year old male Golden Retriever) to sleep just after this past Christmas. Got him when he was eight weeks old.Ate, slept and went everywhere I went. I still just like now cry every day for him. Sorry for your loss.