Best New Rallye Wheel?

OK let me explain, The rim itself has a sharp bend on the outside (shown in the last photo) that interferes with the trim rings. I don't have aphoto of the backside but the bend is more of a taper. Almost like they welded the centers in backwards. My fronts are 15x6's and the trim rings go clear to the center. The rears are 15x7's and the trim rings ride on that sharp bend and don't get close to the centers. In fact they don't sit flat to the rim because of it. It makes the trim ring wobble because it doesn't fit flush.

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This is excellent info. and a great point. I was considering 14x6 fronts with E70-14 Goodyear Polyglas tires and 14x7 rears with G70-14 Goodyear Polyglas tires. As I first posted my question, I mentioned getting the CHROME type Rallye wheels. I'm not sure if these were intended to be used with or without the trim rings. If the chrome type wheels can use the trim rings, I would rather NOT have the "gap" on the rear 7 inch as you pointed out. Does anyone know if the chrome type Rallye wheels are the same design as the original painted type that allows the use of the trim rings?
I just thought of this.....Have you put 6" trim rings on your 7" rear wheels that show the "gap"? I know 7" trim rings are available.
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I have two questions for you , Toolmanmike. Where did you get the trim rings and what is the measurement across the face of the trim ring ??
I think you have a steel wheel trim ring , that is not at the correct angle and not deep enough for a 15 x 7 ralley wheel.

Completely chromed ralley wheels don't use a trim ring. I sold a set to a guy in Ohio , for a Challenger ( big bolt ). The total cost comes out slightly more for the chrome vs the painted ( because you don't have the cost of the trim rings ). Also you can't use a trim ring on the chrome , it's too hard for the ring to bite into and stay on the wheel.

I have two questions for you , Toolmanmike. Where did you get the trim rings and what is the measurement across the face of the trim ring ??
I think you have a steel wheel trim ring , that is not at the correct angle and not deep enough for a 15 x 7 ralley wheel.

If I remember I bought them from Summit when I bought my wheels.
I have two questions for you , Toolmanmike. Where did you get the trim rings and what is the measurement across the face of the trim ring ??
I think you have a steel wheel trim ring , that is not at the correct angle and not deep enough for a 15 x 7 ralley wheel.

I'll have to measure tomorrow and check out other trim rings. thanks for the tip.
This a pic of a polished ring and a pic of a brushed ring on a 15 x 7 ralley.



Are your Cragars actual 5 on 4 or are they unilug type? I was looking at these, but the info. I found stated they were only available in the unilug holes, not straight bored. Let me know, I'm very curious.
Yes they are actual direct drill 5 on 4 bolt pattern and use 60 degree conical seat lug nugs
Completely chromed ralley wheels don't use a trim ring. I sold a set to a guy in Ohio , for a Challenger ( big bolt ). The total cost comes out slightly more for the chrome vs the painted ( because you don't have the cost of the trim rings ). Also you can't use a trim ring on the chrome , it's too hard for the ring to bite into and stay on the wheel.

Can anyone out there post a photo of their car with the "CHROME type" rallye wheels, so I can actually see how they look on an A-body?
I wonder if a 8" trim ring would come closer to the holes in the center. I really like the look of the center hole reflection in the trim rings.

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I must say your Dart in the B5 blue is the nicest looking Dart I've ever seen and the standard rallye wheels are ideal for this car. (My son-in-law and daughter have the same car in light green.)
Well, we went with the GoodYear Polyglas RWL G70x14 tires on new factory-type(silver painted) 7x14 Rallye Wheels with 4.25" backspace (made by Specialty Wheel purchased from Coker Tire) on the rear of our 95%+ original "blue collar" '70 Duster 340. This rear tire and wheel leaves a strong 3/4 inch clearance to the stock HD leaf springs. (Sure happy we didn't go with 15" on the rear, because the G70x14 fill the side profile of the wheel well just fine!). We also put E70x14 on 6x14 Rallyes with 4.0" backspace on the front. Wow, we really like the appearance of this combo., just the right amount of "rake". And, we really like the square shoulders of bias ply tires. We will try to get a side photo posted, so everyone can use it as a reference. Thanks to all that helped.
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I just got Vintiques Ralleyes for my third dart project a few months ago. You can get them to make them up with any offset you want. I moved my rear springs in 3/4 inch on each side with a kit and that gave me more room inside so I asked them to send me a pair of regular 6" wheels and a pair of 7" wheels with an extra inch of backspacing compared to the 6" wheels. That left the face of the wheels looking identical front to back and put all the extra rubber and wheel on the inside. Worked great. 205-70-14 on front and 245-60-14 on the back gives a close side wall height front and back too. that also means identical trim rings front and back.
The weather finally allowed us to get the photo we promised showing the E70-14 on 6" rim (fronts) and G70-14 on 7" rim (rears). What do you think?

May be interested in knowing...this is the factory paint on this barn find!

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