Well-Known Member
This is excellent info. and a great point. I was considering 14x6 fronts with E70-14 Goodyear Polyglas tires and 14x7 rears with G70-14 Goodyear Polyglas tires. As I first posted my question, I mentioned getting the CHROME type Rallye wheels. I'm not sure if these were intended to be used with or without the trim rings. If the chrome type wheels can use the trim rings, I would rather NOT have the "gap" on the rear 7 inch as you pointed out. Does anyone know if the chrome type Rallye wheels are the same design as the original painted type that allows the use of the trim rings?OK let me explain, The rim itself has a sharp bend on the outside (shown in the last photo) that interferes with the trim rings. I don't have aphoto of the backside but the bend is more of a taper. Almost like they welded the centers in backwards. My fronts are 15x6's and the trim rings go clear to the center. The rears are 15x7's and the trim rings ride on that sharp bend and don't get close to the centers. In fact they don't sit flat to the rim because of it. It makes the trim ring wobble because it doesn't fit flush.
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I just thought of this.....Have you put 6" trim rings on your 7" rear wheels that show the "gap"? I know 7" trim rings are available.
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