Beware of 604B1duster

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I just wished they had to post method of payments. In today's world, the common method is Pay Pal in a forum like this. We deal, come to an agreement, and then they don't accept Pay Pal. Should post "no pay pal" if they don't want pay pal

Now there's a rule I'd get behind. I've done innumerable transactions since 1998 on the internet, and until running into this place, my last MO transaction took place well over 10 years ago.

Not that I have a problem with this cult of transaction Luddites, but I do have a problem with people who mention it at the last minute.

I don't have anything against money orders, but these forums get a larger number of jerks and frauds than most other online forums I've frequented, and "MO only" does not fill me with confidence.

I'd prefer to avoid sellers with said requirement, and I'd definitely be all for a rule requiring listing of payment methods in the FS forum.

Another worthless thread. IMO, the only thing it accomplished was make the OP look like a complete cry baby. It's the internet, folks. There are no rules!
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