Beware U S Body source

Mr. Fiberglass is who made mine, long long ago, it came on the car when I bought it as a roller, just now remembered the name, its so wavy that if it got rained on it would hold at least a gallon of 4 or 5 places LOL and thats before 3 different hood scoops have been put on it. I think I can get it flat with a gallon of putty, just flat enuff to do a wrap on it is all I can hope for, really would like to paint flat black to look like the factory lift offs but that aint happening.
Cant remember who made my fiberglass bumpers but they were ok straight out of the box.


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After all of the positive things about US Body now this. Now I have no idea where to order my hood from.

Glasstech out of Illinois. Quality stuff, I've got one of their hoods and it fit perfectly and comes pre-primed, ready for paint.
Wow, I can't believe everybody jumped on this guy like this. Sure he should have never beat his car to make aN aftermarket hood fit. Which I suppose still didn't. Maybe this guy is a novice and learning hard lessons of what NOT to do. Usually if I pay the prices that some of these company's want for their products I expect it to damn fit! If not it goes back. I would never beat the **** out of the car to make a crappy product fit. But I guarantee he never does this again. I am sure most that have bashed this guy has done something similar sometime in the past.
So two posts about this by him, one here, one on Moparts. He deleted the one on Moparts like EL5DEMON340 stated because he got buried. Looks like the same thing is happening here. Then he disappears after he sees no one is sympathizing with his plight and realizes what an *** he made of himself on the internet. He comes out with indignant guns a-blazing but his wounds are self-inflicted.

I can understand being ignorant of how poorly fiberglass parts fit if you are doing this for the first time. But, the way he presented his argument saying the company sells junk and that he beat his car to make the hood fit is just plain idiotic. Even if you're a complete novice, it should be obvious that beating a car to make an aftermarket part fit is a really, really poor choice.

Then, he tries to SELL the hood on Moparts after starting these posts. So he bashes US Body for selling 'junk' then tries to pawn said 'junk' off on someone else for close to what he paid for the damn thing. Clearly people are gonna see these moves and will easily see right through them.

Credibility and humility are still valuable commodities, even on the internet.
I understand that company's will have some run's of product that don't turn out great but I have to also question how bad it really was, I don't think I would take to much stock in the opinion of a guy that would do all sort's of work without test fitting, and then grind the inner so the hinges fit? didn't they fit from the factory? I am sure they did, so why wouldn't you redo the hood instead? and then who takes a chunk of wood and beats the firewall down? LOL, wow, again, why wouldn't you just redo the hood? I have to wonder how the rest of this guy's car is put together, scary. They are not returning your calls because you are one of those guy's that can not be made happy, I deal with your kind on a daily basis, it's frustrating

I agree with this 100% and this was my exact thaught as soon as I read the original post !!!!:wack:
I would love to see pictures of the modifications that the O.P. did to his car and the hood.
Sounds to me like it was the wrong year or style of hood was ordered for what he actually has for it to be out of whack that much......
It might just be an honest mistake, but there's no way i would modify and beat the hell out of my car to make something fit that's obviously wrong.
Let's see some pics!
I am looking to buy a glass deck lid,fenders and doors for my 71 dart and from what I have read here u s body is worth getting a quote from. Anything glass needs to be massaged in my own experience. Takes a lot of patience to build a car, or anything correctly. Looking for light weight race quality . Any suggestions? . Nwdart
I learned a long time ago that Hulk-smashing things to make stuff fit is not an economical way to make aftermarket parts fit.

"Me bash steel, make puny glass hood thing fit!"

You are now left with messed up metal panels that you have to straighten and smooth out. Not only that, you are now left with an even bigger problem: Everything else is going to be outta whack and it will be noticeable.

And please whatever you do, don't goop the pink stuff and think you've fixed it. Bondo in excess is not a fixall.

If you look back at his older threads he also tried selling the hood on this site back in january, what a jerk, but if I had a 68 I would buy it because I know us body sells good stuff