big block /6 k member oil pan?



Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Canton, Ohio
ok, so i got my 440 and im about to install it in the dust. I have the /6 k member in there, and am gonna use the schumacher /6 to RB engine mount kit. what oil pan have you guys have good luck with? something high volume so i dont lose all my oil and have a dry pan when it all gets suspended, ( i will be using a high volume oil pump ) but something that does not require a lot of hassle.
I asked this very question a few days ago. Didnt get much info. So I called Mancini's today and asked them.
My combination is similar to yours so the info will be pretty much the same. First I asked about thier "budget priced" deep sump pan. He said that I would need to notch the K-member. No big deal, but when I asked about the steering linkage he paused and said to go with the Milidon Low Pro( as 68383GTS said) or the Moroso.
I hope this helps..............Ted
Bolt it on and drop it in we needed no mods in our 67gt

440 Source has a pan that will work, if i remember it was 79.95 for a 7qt and its a center sump, its what im using.

Cheatham answered this in another post and here goes the picture of the oil pan. I see no real difference in the area where the idler arm would go as far as this one and the Moroso one.


The Moroso is about $180.00 and Milidon is about $200.00
If you find out any informaton let me know. I had an engine that sucked the oil pan dry and now have a large paperweight. I am in the process of doing the Schumacher 6 cyl k-frame and 400 block thing as we speak. I have the right oil pan that allows the steering to clear however i am wanting to put a deep oil pan in it and need to know what needs to happen so I can do this. Thanks..Dartmansam