Blank canvas, steel sided 40x60 pole barn. Thoughts on insulating, electrical, heating???

Since its a blank canvas... Put in a floor drain (nice for washing cars...or letting snow/ice melt off) & how about a bathroom? My shop has bat insulation with blown insulation in attic...heat with LP Gas ( maintain at 50 degrees since i have water & a bathroom) also have wood furnace that we use while in the shop working) ( I have State Farm Insurance... Really doesn't cost much more in premiums since I already have fire hazards with the torch & welder.) The back !/2 of shop was to be used for cold storage but have since spray foamed it. Now can work on long term projects in back as well. Wished I had spray foamed the whole building! No drafts with foam!
Spray foam insulation might be the way to go – it’s a bit pricier, but it’ll keep things toasty and save on energy costs in the long run.
Sprayed last year. Radiant in floor hearing also done. And 220 ac unit. Year round use. Very happy with it.

My buddy Charles had the inside of his spray foamed too. It makes a huge difference in the temperature. I couldn't believe it.
65 degrees all winter inside. Was 95 degrees outside today. That little 220v window ac unit had it at 70 all day.
Back in good ole Mo. I cooled about 1000 sq. feet of my humble abode with a 110 window unit. Never turned it on till maybe noon, and it kept it perfect all day. 100 degree days no issue. I did build it with 6 inch wall studs and insulated it well with bats. It was what we call a "barnamenium" here in Tx. I just called it a pole barn home, as that was what it was made of!! In other words, a well built garage!!!!
A properly built ventilated and insulated building is amazingly easy to cool and heat.

The key word is "properly"