I have my intake pickup clamped to the bottom of my V trap, which I built from Scat patterns 20 years ago. My cabinet is built from 3/4 Finnish plywood. I have a dimpled piece of metal tube for the intake. The cabinet has 45 degree funnel pieces of 3"4 plywood. I put a 6"X6" bottom hatch to empty the cabinet in 30 seconds. I used and old outdoor security light for lightning the interior. I put a dust port on it that's compatible with my Craftsman shop vac. It sounds cheap redneck instead of professional steel with all the bells and whistles, but it's served me well for 20 years. Intake manifolds, 15" wheels, exhaust manifolds, no problem. Lawn mower parts, tractor decks, anything that'll fit in it gets done. I'll send pictures to any who is interested.