Blonde girl.........

I think we only heard the good things. Remember...they only tell you want they want you to hear

lol, i know
you hear only the good point was, i dont recall any good things during his 8 years in office (that was a joke)
of course, i am a white, married, straight, christian, gun carrying, taxes paying, law abiding male...not really the kind of person he was looking out for
lol, i know
you hear only the good point was, i dont recall any good things during his 8 years in office (that was a joke)
of course, i am a white, married, straight, christian, gun carrying, taxes paying, law abiding male...not really the kind of person he was looking out for
Yeah it seems the people who commit crimes and are too lazy to work and live on welfare are the ones that benefit. Politicians will do and promise anything to get a vote and that doesn't matter which party they are. They always want the vote so they get elected because if they lose an election they couldn't live on what the gov. pays the normal guy. LOL
Whether you like it or not, the President does not decide the national debt, the congress does. So if you want to blame somebody blame the party in power for raising the national debt, not the president. Don't believe me?, spend some time researching the money trail.
HE pushed thru and signed for ALL of it ! U need to do some research !
OMG ...the blonde in the video is a true testament of the melinels of today !