


Well-Known Member
FABO Gold Member
How-To Section Editor
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Orland Park, IL
What do blondes put behind their ears to attract men?

Their knees.


What do peroxide blondes and jumbo jets have in common?

Both have big black boxes....


How do you get a blonde's eyes to light up and sparkle?

Shine a light in her ear...


Why did the blonde have square boobs?

She forgot to take the tissues out of the box....


What does a blonde call a mushroom with a nine-inch stalk?

A Funghi to be with.


What do you give a blonde who has everything?



Why do blondes wear panties?

To keep their ankles warm....


What's the difference between a blonde and a brick?

When you lay a brick, it doesn't follow you around for two weeks whining...


What's the difference between a group of blondes and a good magician?

A good magician has a cunning array of stunts...

Why do blondes wear hoop earrings?

So they have a tidy place to keep their ankles.

A blonde and a brunette moved into an apartment. One day the doorbell rings and the blonde answers the door; it's a flower delivery guy with a bouquet for the brunette. The blonde brings her the flowers.

"Oh great, they're from Karl! I suppose now I have to spend the whole weekend with my legs up in the air ..."

The blonde looks confused for a moment, and finally just has to ask.

"Why? Don't you have a vase?"
"Oh great, they're from Karl! I suppose now I have to spend the whole weekend with my legs up in the air ..."

Best idea I've heard in a long time... LOL! :-D :toothy10: :-D :cheers: =P~