Body carts. Have you built one?

I built a cart, but it doesn't bolt to the body, the body sits on it. Four wheels-$100, two 6'-4X6 and two 8'-2x6, plus lag bolts to join everything. Less than $200 total.
Yup I built one that the car body sits on, it's adjustable in width(19") and length(-12" to + 23"). It is a bit too high really and I am going to lower it about 8 inches to make it easier to get the center off the hood and trunk area. I don't like the all 4 corners swivel since it makes it harder to get through the door so the front 2 wheels are going to be fixed wheels. I also be going to the larger off road type casters.

I also am going to do the bolt on wheels that make just the body "rollable" (SP) and almost at car height +- 3" or so. that way I can shove the body out of the way and work on the Drive train and other stuff when room is needed without putting the body cart together.

body cart extended 3" length and 4" width
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I used a ratchet strap to anchor the body to the frame when I rolled it down the 22 degree dirt drive way for sand blasting the inner rear wheel tubs. (that's what made me decide to go to the bigger inflated tires) Have you ever tried pushing those wheels through dirt? %$%# I even learned to swear while breathing IN. It was NOT funny to me but the wife liked the show.
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I am getting stared on my 71 Duster restore and am looking at body carts. Has any of you built your own? I like this one but cannot justify the $400 when i maybe able to build for less than half. Anyone have any plans/dimensions for building your own?

Thanks a lot.

What would you Justify? Make an offer.

I will not be using these again my project is done. UScartool and fabricated lifting extension that bolts to the front dollies for installing and removing motor/k-frame package.
I made a wooden one to temporarily hold a body shell I'm working on - was 4x4 uprights and 2x4 supports and spans. It can be unbolted and the legs can be stacked inside a plastic tote when not in use. I can also make different length spans for a longer/wider car if need be.

i made a set bolts to front where the bumper brackets go and in the rear where the front spring mounts to the frame , if you make your own you decide on how high to raise the car , thats what i liked about making my own . but one things for sure i would recommend putting lockable swivel wheels all the way around on all four corners if you are planning on doing any work to it while its on them or you will be chasing it all over the place . good luck dartman 440
I'm building one as we speak, I'm about 65 bucks of metal into it. The casters I'm using are rated for 900 lbs each, had them laying around but they are extreme heavy duty units with grease-able ball bearings and grease-able swivels. Metal shop here cut everything to length for me at no charge. I'll get some pics up later in the week once I get her done.
I built one a few years back for a Duster I had. I used four bars for warehouse racks that I cut to size and welded. Used left over pieces to make legs and four casters that I got for nothing. total cost- a couple of hours of my time, and it worked great! I got rid of the cart when the Duster left, but kept the casters.
We built rollers for my dart.. The fronts bolted to the bumper bracket holes and the tears bolted to the front spring hanger. They were all built with scrap metal and got some dollies.. Ony thing I would do different is powdercoat them and get a lite stronger wheels as one is in the progress of falling apart now. You can see pictures in my build thread or here's one now you might be able to make out part of it... Good luck


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Depends on what you can get the steel for $400 don't sound that bad.

Put this in prospective, I bought for cheap inflatable casters from harbor freight, and new steel for an engine start stand local, and just the metal and casters were $300.
I've got 40 bucks in metal in mine so far, I've got probably another 25 in the metal yet to tie these together. Casters I already have rated for 900 each. 4 inch, ball bearing and greaseable.
