body & paint quotes

Try doing as much of the work as you can yourself. I've done a couple of cars, and only farmed out the final paint job. Remove all the glass, rust lurks under the window trim and gaskets. I've used a body grinder to remove the paint, (you must have a dry garage and be careful). A little zipstrip works for the hard to reach areas. Qtr panel replacement, you might try find an experienced welder to give you a hand. Bodywork take a little patience, and hard work, but it's worth it. Use your friends as sources for info and help, (maybe even your brother in law). You'll save a ton of money.
Good Luck: Howard
your car looks great, fastback! As soon as I can get good pics of mine(all the ones I took are too dark) I will post them. Is that a factory green or is that black? it's kinda hard to tell. either way it rocks.
I'm stripping the car down myself and going to get it ready for the body shop (as soon as I deside on one). I don't have very much metal that needs to be replaced. I'm picky when it comes to paint jobs so i'm already expecting to pay more, but when i'm ready to do it I'm looking at the 6-10 range anything more than that and i would be afraid to drive it...forget that. I want my biggest worry to be the other fools on the road and how to come up with gas money to drive it.