Body Plug Kit Question and Comment



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Looking up from underneath the vehicle ('65 Formula S Barracuda) I see a few holes in the floor pan that are not accessible from above. I don't remember now if some of those holes had plugs in them (it's been almost 3 years since we stripped/sandblasted the body). What do you think?

The generic (pre-1967) A-Body plug kits don't seem to be complete for the Barracuda models. I have a pair of triangular pieces for inside the rear window sheet metal (2602110), a pair of oval pieces for the trunk (2093981) and four rubbery plugs which may fit extra front seat holes-not sure (2093945). Actually am missing one each of the #2093981 and #2093945. I will just have to find substitutes. With so many Barracuda restorations out there, one would think there would be a correct, specific kit for that model but I guess not.

Barracuda floor plugs.JPG
Detroit Muscle and some of the other repop shops sell a kit and some list an expanded kit. Ebay may have some. I dont think any one vendor carries them all.
My wagon uses the triangular piece behind the side access panel which actually accesses nothing and the rectangular pieces at the rear of the spare tire area. i believe you are correct on the round plugs for front seat holes
When I bought my plug kit it didn't come with the rectangular ones, triangle ones and the ones under the hood located in the cowl. One year at Carlisle I grabbed them from a vender but don't remember which one. If I figures it out I'll post where they came from, but they can be bought!