Bondo Question


cuda guy

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
I got a bit of a situation going on with my 72 Demon. Here goes, my car had rot from the front of the rear wheels to the back of the front wheels. I replaced the rot with some 1/4s I got the were crap ( cross canda part) welded them in than patched the holes in the rockers. Now that I'm getting ready to finish the job. I'm using short strand fibreglass bondo and it seems that the way in installed them I will need in a couple areas at least an 1/8 of an inch fill to make it smooth and matching the contour.

My question is can I use up an 1/8 of an inch of the fibre glass bondo or should I remove it all and use no lead solder.

Please help out.

By the way this is the first car I have restored completely in 25 yeasr and I'm doing all the work myself so any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Also I need to pull the windsheilds so any advise or links would be great.


From the great whit north
You will be fine with 1/8th inch thick filler, try not to go much more than that. Some of the old bondo issues I've found on some of my cars prior to the work I did was well over 1/2 inch thick and you never would have known it was there until you started grinding. If that old formula held up that well for 25 to 30 years, I think the modern formula spread even thinner will last for decades as well.