bought a motorcycle!

Here is a filler pic! My latest 2 wheeler...............

You ust watch out for all the idiots that are on the road !!

Just don't ask how I know.

Filled my bike yesterday, $3.17, and it will get me 120+ miles! Wish mornings were warmer around here, still need to get cold weather gear and a windshield (bike only has 1500 miles on it, bought it last year). Too bad that bug hit before the a body one did...otherwise my name would be motorcyclewantedinmi

OH! Spring time is here and the bikes come out! Everybody knows this except the drivers of cars. Stay alert and best of health with it.

Heres my XL1200C ... AKA... Harley Davidson Sportster w/1200 cc engine and all the chrome stock. That's the "C"... for custom.

Gonna put her up for sale.




heres my scoot, bought it just over a year ago, right after i turned 18. She looks a little different now, these are when i first bought it

I ride every chance i get. If its over 40 degrees and the suns out, i ride. Its addicting

I guess that I should get all my bikes out for a photo shoot. Never had them
outside together.

And thanson..... riding in 40 deg. weather gets old after a me.
I guess that I should get all my bikes out for a photo shoot. Never had them
outside together.

And thanson..... riding in 40 deg. weather gets old after a me.

yea, i only ride for an hour or two when its like that, just put the leather on and put some miles on her. Just been off the bike for the last few months with the white crap on the ground, now whenever the chance arises i go for it!

OH! Spring time is here and the bikes come out! Everybody knows this except the drivers of cars. Stay alert and best of health with it.

Heres my XL1200C ... AKA... Harley Davidson Sportster w/1200 cc engine and all the chrome stock. That's the "C"... for custom.

Gonna put her up for sale.

Your going to sell her? Did your bike come with the tach or did you add it on?

Here's my 30-year old ride. My '79 Kawasaki KZ1000-ST. Bought it brand new and used to ride daily. It sat gathering dust in the garage for close to 20 years then came back out when gas hit $4/gallon.
Back to being my daily ride except when there's any chance of rain - won't ride in the wet anymore. Too many crazy blind drivers in SoCal to take that chance.
Saving money and having more fun than driving my V10 Ram 2500!

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Here's my 30-year old ride. My '79 Kawasaki KZ1000-ST. Bought it brand new and used to ride daily. It sat gathering dust in the garage for close to 20 years then came back out when gas hit $4/gallon.
Back to being my daily ride except when there's any chance of rain - won't ride in the wet anymore. Too many crazy blind drivers in SoCal to take that chance.
Saving money and having more fun than driving my V10 Ram 2500!

looks alot like my first kz 550
Be careful on those big beautiful beasts guys. Remember, defensive driving is the key. I am a former enthusiast , can only count to 15 now, but I still love them, there is nothing like wind in your hair and bugs in your teeth!:cheers: