Boy how fast things can change



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
I was getting ready for a crazy stretch of racing. Two races at Keystone this past weekend, three races at Norwalks 40,000 grand weekend this weekend, and 3 races at Keystones Michael Beard’s race weekend. Then I woke up Friday to no water. Pressure switch proved to be good and 240 volts to the pump casing. I’ve pulled this pump twice since 1984. Once with my exwife and once with my son. Johnny isn’t up to this by himself and I don’t think my Ex would come over to help. So I scheduled an appointment to get it fixed Monday morning. So now I have water again and I sold my 625.00 Norwalk race entry to my son to help cover the cost. So now he can get into the sold out race and I’ll sit at home. So hopefully I can hit at least one day race this weekend if we Dont get the predicted rain to help prep for Michael’s big money race. So far this year it hasn’t been a year to remember.
Life throws us curve balls at times.
It’s good you were able to sell the entry to your son.

When I get frustrated, it usually doesn’t take too long and I get a reminder of how good I have it.

Enjoy every day!

( you could probably get one of those ____ at Walmart to pull the pump )
I used to have a submersible well pump 120' down. Water was heavy with iron so had to drag everything up every 2 years just to pm it and it always needed it.. :rolleyes:
I used to have a submersible well pump 120' down. Water was heavy with iron so had to drag everything up every 2 years just to pm it and it always needed it.. :rolleyes:

I’m probably around 120 feet and have great tasting water. But I do get sediment. He said if I chlorinate it every 6 months that will break it up and clean it out better.
Damn John, that really sucks. You aren’t kidding about this year not being a year to remember that’s for sure. When it doesn’t rain, it’s brutally hot. I hope weather changes for this weekend. Really will suck having the last points day rained out. At least it’s posted that if you get one round in Saturday, and it rains out, the race will be finished Sunday. That’s a plus.
Sorry to hear of your trouble John. It always seems we have to fix something. Even more so because it’s older and doesn’t last as long. Then it costs more than we’re expecting or begrudgingly want to pay. Kim