Well-Known Member
wowzers! talk about throwing a fit. im glad that doesnt go on often around here. its not the point of this resource. oh an mrtires24.... i like your p!$$ yellow f*ing duster.:-D
Thanks. I like it too. :cheers:
wowzers! talk about throwing a fit. im glad that doesnt go on often around here. its not the point of this resource. oh an mrtires24.... i like your p!$$ yellow f*ing duster.:-D
Ok..... My $0.02 will probably light some girlyman's hormones on fire but WTF..... Why do I see and hear all this about flex concern when alot of you are leaving off the factory fender to firewall braces that Ma Mopar provided you from the factory? I'll still use them on my 452 Six Pack Duster with fenderwell headers and they clear what needs clearing and must do some good..... No frame machine checks or pothole stories just a few 1.80 60 ft times and lots of fun on the street.... Everybody's car is gonna be a little different depending on rust or how well the spot welds were placed from the factory and other custom mods... I think we can all agree though that just leaving naked frame rails hanging out with no subconnectors or other braces is asking for a failure of some kind.
I've got two 75's and two 74's.... forgot that my Demon & Dart didn't have em... I'm guessing you are right about being 73 or mid year.... but guys with cars that came with them should keep them especially on fenderwell header cars.... You can see the factory braces that someone painted gold on this 75 Dart 4 speed car.
it probably wouldnt hurt to add those to an early a body if they would fit. i should see if the ones on my scamp would fit the wagon.
Children sometimes sit on laps and read these threads with parents. Take it elsewhere.
here's something i did, i jack the hotrod up and put it on 2 jack stands just in front on the trans x-member. i could see that the front on the car would settle an inch or so after the car had it's full weight on the stands, also when i would lift the car back up to get it off the stands the front would move up the same mount befor it would clear the stands. very interesting indeed.
I have a question for you all. I keep hering about factory spot welds and how week every one seams to think thay are. But I was thinking to make things stronger. Couldent you just brake out the welder and burn it better. I was just thinking this when I was looking at my factory toruqre box's on my car with a few tacks. I said "I am going to brake out the welder and burn them better". Would doing things like that help strangthine things up at all?
Ok..... My $0.02 will probably light some girlyman's hormones on fire but WTF..... Why do I see and hear all this about flex concern when alot of you are leaving off the factory fender to firewall braces that Ma Mopar provided you from the factory? I'll still use them on my 452 Six Pack Duster with fenderwell headers and they clear what needs clearing and must do some good..... No frame machine checks or pothole stories just a few 1.80 60 ft times and lots of fun on the street.... Everybody's car is gonna be a little different depending on rust or how well the spot welds were placed from the factory and other custom mods... I think we can all agree though that just leaving naked frame rails hanging out with no subconnectors or other braces is asking for a failure of some kind.
wowzers! talk about throwing a fit. im glad that doesnt go on often around here. its not the point of this resource. oh an mrtires24.... i like your p!$$ yellow f*ing duster.:-D
Thanks. I like it too. :cheers:
No shock towers for me. Just sheet metal. LOL
Just a question to satisfy my ignorance. What is the benefit from switching from torsion bars to coil-over shock set-up?