brake clean



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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has anybody used the Lucas brand brake clean, i like the 3M brake clean, it breaks up grime and washes it away but if i find a can in my area (59405) 3 times as much as it used to be, everything i try doesn't compare
I use the O'Reilly brand. Ask if they can put it on a "commodity special" and that will bring the price down pretty good.....but you have to buy a case to get that price.
I've been using the Honda brand from Menards, but any of the generic brands seem to work better than name brand.

I use the O'Reilly brand. Ask if they can put it on a "commodity special" and that will bring the price down pretty good.....but you have to buy a case to get that price.

Someone please sticky this. Awesome tip!
I used 3M brake cleaner exclusively but like anything that works, 3M has stopped making it. I'm not sure what I'm going to go to.
I bought a case of Honda brake cleaner that has worked well. I bought it at a discount place called Ollie's. Ollies usually prices brake cleaner for $3 a can. I bought my buddy a case of Gunk brand brake cleaner that worked pretty good too. Same place, same price.
At work we get the "1st Ayd" brand from the local Napa. $3.69/can, a case= 24 cans.
Napa gives me the same price when I bought it for home as the shop can get it for.
Currently about $3.69/ can.
Hell even farm and fleet is damneer $5 a can for their crap and they sell CRC brand (the original brake clean I think) for $6-something a can.
O'wrongleys wants even more.
The EPA recently announced they were finally completely banning "trich" which was already under heavy regulation. This was the main ingredient in many cleaners of that type for decades. In the Navy it was nicknames as "trich," "trich 1 1 1 " or "safety solvent" because it did not burn. (However, just like refrigerants, fire and it produces deadly phsgene gas, as welders using breakeclean have discovered.)

EPA also banned "perk" used in dry cleaning.

On a positive note, for the first time in my life, I tried "simple green" (the green) and also have not used, bought bought the heavy duty stuff which is ? violet ? Anyhow, I saved my bathroom tub, vanity sink and counter, and the toilet. We wil not even have to remove the shower/ tub, just cut out and re--sheet rock it. These are "not quite clean" yet, they look better now. Took me several 1 hour scrubbings!!1



In the photo below, you can see the nearly black walls above and below the tub. They were "light blue" EVERYTHING looked like that before I started cleaning
I have an old 5 gallon can of Wurth chlorinated brake cleaner and a pump sprayer. Fantastic stuff. I don’t think they make it any more.
That's the way we do it at work. Everyone has their own pressure sprayer and we refill it off of 55 gallon barrel.
Up here, you have to ask for hi-test. Stuff on counter is lo-test. Apparently legally you have to ask for it. Guy(mechanic) was in the store when I asked for a case. He was pi$$Ed when I asked and was brought out a case. He had always got lo-test for his shop(and paid more).
I use Kleen-flo.
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I don't even use it, how can you stand the smell of it? Damn. There is a reason 3M stopped making it. Anything that turns the roof of my mouth and nose inside out can not be good for you.
Trichlorethylene (we called it dry cleaning fluid) was great for degreasing but seems to be long gone. All products will have an SDS online so you can see what products are in them.
I don't even use it, how can you stand the smell of it? Damn. There is a reason 3M stopped making it. Anything that turns the roof of my mouth and nose inside out can not be good for you.
If you are referring to me, I guess "adequate ventilation" is your friend. :thumbsup:
No. I'm just commenting on how bad or offensive it is to me. After having a virus of some sort, my smell and taste changed. I have trouble tolerating rattle can paint, it used to smell good to me. They keep changing out something that has been known to be hazardous to your health with something else that is hazardous to your health!