Brake pedal stays down?



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Victoria BC
When I step on the pedal in my Aspen the pedal feels normal, but the pedal stays down after a take my foot off, and the brakes stay applied. I can pull the pedal up, and the brakes release. I'm not sure where to start. Pedal linkage? Master cylinder? Booster(seems doubtful)? Collapsed hose?
I've never encountered this before. Anybody have any suggestions where to start? Anybody have this happen to them?

Oh yeah, the car is a 79 Aspen, 318/904 with power brakes. Totally stock 79,000km car (about 50,000 miles for you Americans) that doesn't seem to have had, or needed much work over the years. But, I don't actually have any service history...
Just guessing, the master cylinder piston may be sticking in the bore due to rust and/or corrosion. Or the pedal return spring is broke and the linkage is sticky.
does this happen only when the car is on? i remember reading on here once that if the booster check valve went the brakes would hang up. might not be the problem but worth looking at. good luck
Pedal hangs up whether its running or not. I forgot to mention, that this is a new development. Brakes worked fine last weekend when I drove the car last.
I would think your return spring in the M/C broke, or as mentioned before it could be a little rusty. Either way my guess is a M/C rebuild is in order.
Power brakes??? remove the m/c and hit the pedal. still sticks, loosen the bolt under the dash which applies pressure to the vacuum booster. try it again, if it still sticks, make sure the pedal is free and replace the booster.