Brake shoe wear



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2023
Reaction score
Los Angeles
How do these look?

Fine. Wearing even and lots of shoe left. Looks like the grease seal might be just starting to leak.
Only thing I would add is:
A) any cracks in the face of the lining material?
B) Pull back the wheel cylinder outer seals and look for corrosion or rust.
C) if the linings look crack free or close - a light scuff with 150grit sand paper to take the shine off the faces and get another 10k miles. And before the crowd chimes in- wear a mask while lightly sanding so you don’t breathe in the dust.
Think of the guys who used to replace linings on the car and ground them to fit
Lol, arching brake shoes use-ta-was taught in HS Auto shop way back! Not many dust masks were issued back then.:eek: Just a dust collection system as I recall.
Make sure the self-adjusters are not frozen and are working properly. I would just push the cable to one side to see if it works the adjuster.
I've arced a few shoes, and turned thousands of rotors and drums
I've arced a few shoes, and turned thousands of rotors and drums
Back when the drums and rotors turned like ladies. Now try turning the new stuff. Vibration chatter marks everywhere. Complete garbage.