Brazilian Dodge Dart 76 (similar to 69 usa)

Yesterday a friend welded floor panels I made.

I think result is good enought to me.. not the best I know.. but under my limitations..

Now I will cut the remaining pieces and put them in place.

After this, we will close all weldings... close floor holes and paint it

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I think tomorrou I will work on rear axle.

Have almost all things new.. lets see if I will get any progress this weekend.

steering box is done :D

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my friend "little dunut" (in a literal translation from portuguese) always stays by my side...

as son as I started to work, it goes to front door.. waiting for a little outside walk..

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Alex,greetings from Long Island New York:wave:You are doing an incredible job,thank's for sharing=D>:salute:I am looking foward to your car being modeled like the ones you posted!!:la::D
Babe and a charger . I knew it was a good idea. Letting you know I saw it.
Great work on the floor pans Alex.. I'm getting ready to start on my 1966-valiants floor pans.. I have a white kitty cat also...
Hello Alex ,
as always great work on your mopar,
very well how you over and over again to improvise

Sorry this is my favorite jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Ive been following this and like how you made your own floor pans,had the brake shoes relined and rebuilt the steering box.I cant wait to see more and its an inspiration :cheers::cheers:
:snakeman: :snakeman::snakeman::snakeman::snakeman::snakeman::snakeman:



:read2: FACT: 95 % of all men don't see the bright red car in the background can you?:-D
today I did some minor progress

organized parts and installed new bushings

tomorrou I will work on rear axle

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Alex, if u'll excuse me, i'll post some pics of my that u'd post
guys from states, i'm happy to join this community today, and glad to be friend to who we call by the nickname "Professor Pardal", or "Gyro Gearloose"(Disney) you all now





Greetings John. Welcome to FABO. Were from around the world here , not just from the states. Many members from many countries. A-bodies got around the world in there time. Produced or imported worldwide.
Well said, dartfastback!!
sorry, guys!i saw posts from Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Argentina...guess i'm used to think of the english language as the american
so here we are to show our cars around the planet!
i "heard" you are looking for the front panel of our charger, right?my car is originally a Dart, and i intend to get it back to the origins some day...if i do, and you nead it yet, we can mahe some deal, ok?
Alex, I didn't forget about your front lights panel, ok?just be a little pacient...8)
nice to have a visit from you (JP) in my thread!
I think you should keep your dart with charger front end. Triple black as it shoud be!

dartfastback is the guy I told you about the frontend.. he is doing some nice work in its car.. we will keep looking for a good charger front end for him.
Alex, if u'll excuse me, i'll post some pics of my that u'd post
guys from states, i'm happy to join this community today, and glad to be friend to who we call by the nickname "Professor Pardal", or "Gyro Gearloose"(Disney) you all now[/IMG]

ay caramba! (the second pic from the bottom, that is)
J.P has some more girls pic with its charger.... I'm waiting for his email!
Thanks for keeping me in mind guys. My custom car deserves a custom (for Canada anyways) grill.What year grill of Canadian cars interests you?
Here in brazil some things are too much expensive... without any special reason.. just because are expensive...

for example.. upper bushings costs R$ 30,00 each (about 17 dollars).

As we need 4... 120,00 ... (about 68,00 dollars). Ok.. far enough.. but I building everything new.. If I make some economy.. I will have some extra money to future engine upgrade...

solution? yes.. brazilian Fiat Palio.. a compact car with front traction. this car uses only 1 upper bushing each side... moreover.. dart upper bushings do not make much effort...

Fisto mod... make bigger inner diameter.. I used my small bench drill.. I've made a test with a hand drill and works fine..

second.. inner metal tube is larger than outer tube.. cut it to make the same side...

You already have a functional cheaper bushing... But I have a problem.. I love to use washers.. I think they prevent premature parts wear (don't know if I used the right word), due metal friction.

As washers are 1,5mm each.. I have to cut more 3mm from bushings.. No problem... quiet easy (10 minutes work in each)..

well.. total cost at the end.... r$26,00... (about $14,00).. 4 bushings for less than 1.

ps: Yes.. I'm crazy and I do paint washers, nuts and so on...

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hi ramenth.. thanks for your words. I enjoy a lot build my dart. Sometimes (as today) I get a bit destressed about problems I can't solve by myself.. but if life gives us lemons, we should make "caipirinhas" (caipirinhas is much better than lemonade)...