Brazilian Dodge Dart 76 (similar to 69 usa)



Looks like that new welder is working out nicely. Once your done with the car you can start making some yard art with it! :blob:
today I took a few minutes to grind and leve the other side. I must grind a bit more achieve a perfect level.

About the mig welding machine... I'm wondering how could I live so much time without my own. I'm love with it.


I love my lincoln mig also,but not the 60 amp service in my house,lol.Cant weld for long without resetting a breaker,lol!!
Yea it will open the door to do bigger projects.

I love my Miller 140. This year I made all kinds of Christmas presents for my family. It's just yard art flowers made out of scrap metal. Something to plant among the real plants.

This one was made from the door cover off our old dishwasher, concrete re-bar and an old, crusty, 1930's fog light.

Now that you have it, the sky is the limit on what you can do.

So lets see some more progress! :D


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a few more steps... Luck I'm sleeping this week. I have to finish 6 conference papers until 27th.

today, after dinner, I did a few more welds




I'm having some problems with my temperature gauge.
I've tested it with resistance probes.
Using a 8 ohms resistance, it shows correctly the high temperature
Same to 23 ohms resistance (mid temperature).
Although, gauge does not move when using a 70 ohms (neither a 55 ohms) resistance.
In sum, it is not showing correctly low temperatures.

dam't .. these small things turn me crazy
I will post photos later.
1rst) discovered how to adjust lower limit.
2nd) upper bound .. I'm not sure yet..
3rd) for sure... old gauges are not precise. I just want a lower bound telling me car is warm.. and a upper limit telling me car will blow ;)

ps: I'm know.. fords... but I found some information here

ps2: a common joke here in Brazil. We tell fords (with 302 engine) usually blow. They really burn.. they boil
You could add an aftermarket if you are really concerned with accuracy. Get a good one like an autometer.
I've made a few trim clips to a friend.
case someone needs... quite simple to reproduce.





clutch pedal was broke.
had to remove and weld. don't like to remake thinks that are already in place.. takes time.
a lot of time.


printing process

[ame=""]impressão xadrez SE - YouTube[/ame]
I'm building a car ramp to work in better conditions under dart.
I'm also preparing subframe connectors.
