Buffing pads....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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How do you get these damn things to dry. It has been hanging for 4 days now it is still damp when I squeeze it....
Put it back and run the buffer at full blast for like 30 secs or till you don't see water coming off it
Do it all the time and works great
Put it back and run the buffer at full blast for like 30 secs or till you don't see water coming off it
Do it all the time and works great

Well that is simple enough....Thanks......

How come some of ALWAYS over look the simplest things??? :banghead::banghead:
Well that is simple enough....Thanks......

How come some of ALWAYS over look the simplest things??? :banghead::banghead:

That's a good question cause I do it sometimes too. All has to do with how we think differently than others
Always think of the super complicated way then someone comes over and is like no just do this and its like Wow that was much easier
I wash mine out with the water hose.Then I wash them in my washer then run them through the dryer.
I toss mine in the drier but I also replace them pretty often.
I don't wash mine unless I absolutely have to. I find it takes the life out of them quicker.

I just keep them on the buffer and then turn the buffer over and turn it on. Then I take an air hose and shoot air staring from the center of the pad outward until the compound is gone. It should look relatively new once you're done. Especially on the foam pads. Just do it outside so you don't get your garage or car dusty from it. They also make a tool that has these spur looking things on it that works pretty decent to clean wool pads. I just prefer to use the air method.