Buildsheet: how did it get there?



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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I recall covering the various places where they end up, and that there was no rhyme or reason for the location, the number of them, or even that some sheets ended up in cars that they did not belong to. I remember that some plants placed them in certain areas, some in others, etc.

My question is how did they get there, and when?

The buildcard is used to make the fender tag and the buildsheet, (aka broadcast sheet).

So I'm Joe Schmo on the line, and at what point do I tape it to the back of the glovebox - and why?
Why do I place it on top of the seat springs before I put the cushion and seat cover on it?
Why do I place it under the carpet, or above the headliner before I install it?

My understanding is that there were many buildsheets per car, so placing one where ever during the process will not cause me to wonder what else this car needs, because there are more buildsheets, correct?

If I put a buildsheet in a red seat, and 5 cars on the line call for a red seat, that would explain why some cars have another's buildsheet - but why put the thing there at all?

No trash cans back then?

Trying to keep the factory floor clean?

I would really like to know if anyone knows.
i would think as the car was coming down the line that many copies were distributed to the various critical stations along the way on the line. as each station was passed the person in charge of that station used the build sheet to reference the car. this would allow for error correction. as the car passed it was up to the person to put it in the car as a way of saying that they had looked at it. this is just a guess but it seems to fit...
I dont have a clue. According to the marks on my build sheet , there were 2 scratches on the hood that needed attention. Still the sheet ended up under the rear seat bottom.
I think the different locations had to do with plant, line, or shift change.
Just stick it somehwere so it stays put. Others can find it, and a breeze ( or a clown ) can't move it to a different vehicle.
Build records-

Daimler Chrysler Corporate Historical Collections
CIMS 410-11-21
12501 Chrysler Freeway
Detroit, MI 482288

I had to white them, no phone numbers available.

They will send you a package for the year and make. In the package is a Build Record Request Form.

I had a 1964 Impalla SS and found the sheet between seat spring and cushion on drivers seat, had a Cadillac Eldorado and found one on top of the headliner. Each department would have one-body shop, paint dept, chassis dept, trim dept, etc etc and usually just stuck on with tape so if on the frame line it would fall off by the end of that department if not sooner. Some operations would call to leave it in certain places and some it would just be easier to leave it there than to take a few extra steps to toss it in a trash can. So usually the ones you find are for a specific department unless its the main one from the main office.

As for say the trim dept where the seats are built (mine was called the cushion room) the seat assembly would come down the line and the sheet would be taped to the seat frame and one worker would take it off and set it on top of the seat springs, it would go to the next operator and he would put the cushion on top of it as no one else after him needed it so it was just easier to leave it there. I would probably be facing down in case somebody needed to check something on it and just flip the seat over and be able to see it.
I think it was in a magazine where they found a build sheet inside the original spare tire.
This was in my 69 dart ,all these years I thought I had the correct build sheet for my car.My car is an LM23----

I don't know what your Dart came with, but that is an H code sheet that someone is probably looking for! But you probably knew that already.
Does anyone know someone who used to work on a Chrysler line?

This is too kool - I wonder how many broadcast sheets were printed for each car?

I'm waiting for the breaking news story about a guy who used to sweep the floors as a kid at Hamtramck and thought the sheets had pretty colors so he saved all of them! Never happen...
How much luck has anyone had finding one in a headliner?

It's my last hope for my Duster's sheet