


Damn Right I Carry!
Mar 28, 2011
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Cortez, CO
You crazy buggers thought there was gonna be a photo of a car didn't you? Sorry to disapoint, but no. My probably needless ventilation is of another form of burnout. Now, I know there are more than SEVERAL others on here that will know exactly what I'm talking about. Most probably know better than I. I'm talking about employment burnout.

I personally have been working my a$$ off for the last 3 1/2 years doing the ssdd. Don't get me wrong. I love my job and the folks I work with. I've been in the automotive industry for 3 1/2 years now either selling parts or installing them. I just feel like its getting old. That kind of bothers me though since I do like my job. Hopefully the vacation will take care of that. One can only hope. I'm ready for a vacation. Luckily, I don't have much longer to wait. As soon as my daughter is born, I'm taking off for a week. :D

This is the point where I hope those of you with more experience will chime in. DOES the vacation help or even take care of the burnout?! Any knowledge is apreciated. I'm only 24, so I KNOW there's more experienced folks here that have had to deal with this.

Thanks for putting up with this rant!
After about 5 years with the Post Office I sort of went brain dead.
I change constantly. I can't stand bosses and people telling me what to do, so I just do what I want for the moment. That way I usually like what I'm doing and I know it won't last forever unless I want it to. Sad but true, many places in this world have three months of vacation time. Not to prevelant in the states, but it sure would be nice.
Just imagine how it would be if you were UNemployed for that length of time. LOTS of people have been. Count your blessings.
So true stroker! Definitly don't think I'm ungrateful. My father recently lost his job and its driving him nuts. I certainly am not going to ask for an extended vacation. Unemployment would drive me crazier than I already am. That's saying something! Lol
22 years in the Air Force, worked for the same organization the whole time. I had the opportunity to do several different jobs over the years, and even though I usually liked what I was doing, going back to work was always hard after relaxing for a couple weeks. That being said....yes it does help to periodically take the time and unwind
Even a "mini-vacation" can ease the burn. Taking a break from your regular routine, get together with an old friend, go on a short hike someplace or toss a ball with some kids for a little while.
Tinker time certainly does help in my case. I love to get out and wash the car! I'm just happy to know that its not just me. I was beggining to worry.
I find it easy to get burnt out. Been working at a feed store for over 8 years now. Some days after bucking 200+ bales of hay at 100lb each I am just done. LOL It helps to get out and have fun even if just for the weekend.

I try to have as much fun and experiance as much as I can. All that hard work has to be for some thing. Thats the way I look at it any way.
I have been at the same job for Ten years now in the automotive world.
Shoot... I am lucky to still have the ssdd job especially in the automotive world !

I am just happy to have work and a paycheck !! Numb or not !

Even a "mini-vacation" can ease the burn. Taking a break from your regular routine, get together with an old friend, go on a short hike someplace or toss a ball with some kids for a little while.
In almost 20 years with the Post offcie I never took an actual vacation. If solid weeks were taken off it was because of things needing to be done. Towards the end of my sentence I did take alot of 4 day weekends and they made me really think long and hard about the place.
I haven't worked a single day since I hung my shingle and started coating full time in 2007. If you don't love what you do, there's no point in even doing it at all.
Cudachick- that may be my problem idk I love turning wrenches and I'm working the counter writing work orders for the mechanics ocasionally getting my hands dirty.
Chuck a vacation will help get a long weekend in and vegetate .When your daughter comes there is where happiness,joy, frustration and burnout will happen taking several long weekends does help if you don't want a week off.
Ok bro sounds link u need a reminder why we are friends lol lets get that doba out for alittle bit and go on a nice ride .... to where u may ask ? ... well did we ever know where we was headed back then lol so hit me up when ur ready brother ..... cant wate
job burnout ... been there and still doing it with no option to take time off

had my daughter and started court procedures. My time off was sitting in a court room waiting for our case to be called and i did that at least one day every other week for 3 years.
cash has been needed to raise my daughter and to pay a lawyer. the full time job pays for daughter and lawyer....the under the table job pays for my darts resto and the family farm work is the daily 7 day a week job with no pay.

When i get my weekends i usually go for a drive somewhere but i only have 24 hours and my daughter returns back to me. Some weekends i take my daughter to the zoo or some child friendly event.. which does help some with the very little free time i do get.
my 3 year old daughter helps me milk the cows. taught her to milk cows and ride a tricycle and now she moving fast on her 2 wheeler around the barn as i milk the cows. She loves to feed the cats and the calves with papa so we spend alot of time in the barn together.
ive been doing the same crap day in day out for the last 10 years.geez, i call in sick just work on my cars.i cant stand the lame people i work with and my boss doesnt appreciate anything. i have become a zombie. i run a tablesaw and a slew of other equipment and i am thoroughly bored(no pun intended) my wrench time and time with my woman are the only things that keep me sane. yes i am grateful to have a decent paycheck which the only reason i keep going back. i am currently looking for something new to get into,but i will not quit my day job until i find something else. and i will tell you,in my neck of the woods ,there is not a job to be had. my $0.02
DobaDaddy, I aint much older than you (30), but I have been in the military doing the same job for almost 13 years. It aint easy to keep doing the same thing everyday. I enjoy my job too, but there are times when I get burnt out doing it. With me it seems to come and go in phases. Life is hard sometimes, but I have found that alot of times its what you make of it. You should take Dart_Doctor up on that ride, get out for a little bit. Im right there with ya too about holdin your daughter, I got two daughters back home, I aint seen in a few months. The youngest is 3 and half now, and since shes been born I have been at home about 15 months. life aint always easy. Keep your chin up, and most importantly, at least as much as you can, LEAVE WORK AT WORK. What I mean is, when you go home dont think about work, dont worry about what happened that day or will the next. Wish I could be of more help to ya, but I really dont know what else to say.
Thanks JW! Thank you for your military service as well. I'm not even gonna try to compare my misery (for lack of better words) to yours
Even a "mini-vacation" can ease the burn. Taking a break from your regular routine, get together with an old friend, go on a short hike someplace or toss a ball with some kids for a little while.

+1. Must take vacations with regularity to avoid burnout.

I used to work without taking vacations and most bosses don't really care. They don't look after you in terms of burnout so you need to look after yourself. You should take at least 2 or 3 vacations per year, even if you don't plan on going anywhere.
Burned out at 24? I am LMAO. You haven't even been at it long enough to get warmed up, let alone burnt! Here's a tip for all you young folks out there - you wanna be happy for the rest of your life? Start your own business - forget the damn benefits, paid vacation, coffee breaks, buddies to ***** with, and quittin time. You will get to be the boss and the worker and the engineer and the janitor and the secretary and the salesman and the clerk and the finance manager and the dumb *** that screwed it all up. And you will love it and you will smile and you will sweat and worry and get scared and lay awake at night and you will be so happy you could just sh-eye-t! I am not kidding here. Don't know how to do anything? HaHa Can you wash a window, mow a lawn, change a tire, walk a dog, bake a cake, sand something smooth, tell jokes, make someone feel good, iron a shirt? Well hell - there's your business. You'll never look back. You'll think you're not making any money and one day you'll look up at your nice house with 9 cars trying to squeeze into a 6 car garage and you'll say ..... huh! I was so busy I never noticied. And you'll smile.