


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Well it's a balmy -33*c here in Saskatchewan:shaking:. I'm thinkin' it's too cold to do anything but relax tonight.......:drinkers:

Think of it as -26*F.

Now don't you feel warmer already???:cheers:
I would say so, I give that a double Brrrrr!!!
The School bus isn't running so I had to drive the kids to school today.
I thought it was cold the other day..... This temperature is universal in any country.....BITCHEN' COLD!!!!!!!!!!!


winter finger.jpg

It was -24 here this morning with a -45 wind chill. School has been cancelled
because of the cold. I didn't go on my tool route today. I don't want to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a gelled up truck and no heat.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Mike
Oh man! That is freezin' *** cold. Looks like your car started though.... I'll bet your oil was consistency of maple syrup.
I had to put the charger on the wife's van this morning. It turned over mighty slow even with 10/30 in the crankcase. I guess I need 5/30 or 0/20 if
it is going to set out in the cold. I changed oil in my tool truck a couple
of nights ago and the 15/40 I poured in was like honey. (should have kept the case in the basement instead of the garage. LOL) MIke
:-\"Well it's 40 below and I don't give a f***, got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo............Anyone know that song?
I really don't know how you guys can stand it, we had a cold December for the west coast but nothing compared to that. It's not like your winters are short either :munky2:
She's going to be +10C=50F here today and for the next week hopefully, the chinooks are coming. :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

question, do you northerners, and Canadiens, actually work outside? like construction, in these temps? Heck, + 20* is enough to make me feel like frozen stump:-D
I used to do snow removal many moons ago. Don't miss it a bit. Nothing like having to change a fan belt on a salt truck in the middle of a parking lot when it's 11 below. Of course almost every starter I've ever replaced only failed when it was below 20 with snow on the ground. Put a clutch in once when it was 14 out. Come to think of it, I do too many car repairs when it's cold out. I need to stop doing that.
question, do you northerners, and Canadiens, actually work outside? like construction, in these temps? Heck, + 20* is enough to make me feel like frozen stump:-D

Hell ya, momma didn't raise no "sissy boy" LOL. We usually call it quits at -40C and F though.

question, do you northerners, and Canadiens, actually work outside? like construction, in these temps? Heck, + 20* is enough to make me feel like frozen stump:-D

Delivered papers as a kid in Northern Ontario every winter,then grab the skates and stick and head for the outdoor rink. Sure glad I don't have to do that anymore.:profilel:
Screw the squirrel, my nuts froze just looking at that thermometer.
Cold is milking cows in sub zero weather with a 30 mph wind. Makes for a long milking.
Yeah but it cuts down on the time it takes to make ice cream!=P~
Thats why we moved from the prairies. I remember our first winter in Tofino it got down to 0 degrees and all the locals were in parkas. They asked why I was only in a sweater? I said I'm from Alberta and this isn't cold. They all say its a different cold out her, a damp one. Cold is cold and these west coasters have no idea what its like to walk out the front door and feel like you inhaled glass shards and someone threw a bucket of acid on your face. I don't miss it.

I don't even want to to you how cold it was in So. Cal . today. But I'm gonna anyway ,it was sunny and in the 80-s ,You guys are real men to put up with that kind of weather. I wouldn't last a day out there , My hats off to ya !!!

Sweating my n#ts off. Bob
Someone asked if us northerners work out in this crap yup.
I'm a surveyor if we didn't go out we went home with out pay.:angry7:
Was out all day temps didn't get above -5 F today. Was -22F this morning.
Bundled up so much all you could see was my eyes. I'm still trying to thaw
out. Thank god the truck was close by.
Tomorrow more of the same high maybe a little better.Tonight -25F.
Being it's Friday tomorrow maybe I'll just take the day off couldn't do it to days in a row have to pay the bills.
Watch out east coast this crap is coming your way.

From northern Minnesota stay warm!:coffee2::coffee2: