busted my eye....why you should always wear eye protection



The Green Manalishi
May 2, 2008
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well, im outta comission till wednesday morning.... I remember reading about something similar happening to moaprteen in his poisondart thread....i was workin on the scamp yesterday using a wire brush bit on a drill and i was cleaning up some rust in trunk which i had to lie underneath to access (top of the trunk from inside it)....didnt have any glasses on because from past experience lying down while dust is falling, the glasses did squat because the dust would just fall through the top or sides....anyways, last nite my eye is driving me nuts in paint, this morning it was still killing me and my mom had to force me to make an appointment for the doc's tonight even though i told her its like the last day of good weather this week and i needed to work on the scamp....all day it was driving me nuts, so i was beginning to be glad i had made the appointment....went to the family doctor and he found a peice of small metal in my eye, which when the specialist removed it, was almost microscopic....i now have a patch over my eye to keep it closed so it can heal properly and i cant take it off til wednesday morning, all the while i have school off so i could be working on the car or doing homework but i cant really see well....

i now learned my lesson the hardway:angry7:.....wear safety goggles always, and if you have watergoggles even better, because they cup around your eyes so nothing can get in
I'am next wednesday,wife got some of it but its in the eyelid and she cant get it.

birthday 016.jpg
Joe said Wire brushes are the worst offenders.

I don't know about that but do know eating Tex-Mex and working in a confined area can take both eyes out
Wire wheels are afwul! Always wear glasses when using a wire wheel. Should always wear them when grinding as well but I'll try not to be a hypocrite here :p The WORST is definitely those carbide end grinders... they throw sharp metal shards eeeeeverywhere. I won't even touch one without a face mask or a flip style welding helmet.
Joe said Wire brushes are the worst offenders.

I don't know about that but do know eating Tex-Mex and working in a confined area can take both eyes out

Hehehe! Deviled eggs and beer are next on the list. :snakeman:
I caught a piece of metal in the eye myself on Sunday afternoon. I have a book of paper matches for this type situation. If you can see the metal piece, the torn end of the match sort of acts like a sponge and will pick the metal out.

BTW, I was wearing my safty glasses and grinding down a weld.
I caught a piece of metal in the eye myself on Sunday afternoon. I have a book of paper matches for this type situation. If you can see the metal piece, the torn end of the match sort of acts like a sponge and will pick the metal out.

BTW, I was wearing my safty glasses and grinding down a weld.

me too but it bounced off something, thats the luck I;ve been having lately
I learned my lesson while working on a job site and ended up with a few shards of wood in my eye. Took about 45 minutes of flushing it at the ER to finaly get it all out. Dr said it would have been better if it was metal because they could have used a magnet. Eye injuries are the worst! I cant even watch my daughter put her contacts in after what I went through.
While not exactly related, I installed some fiberglass insulation overhead without safty glasses and got fiberglass in my eyes. Required a Doc to remove the fibers. Anytime you are working overhead, no matter what, wear those glasses.
Did you know ? ...
OSHA reports that bungie cords cause more eye injuries each year than nail guns do. Get well soon.
Many old-time machinists were found to have tiny metal particles floating around inside their eyeballs. They felt nothing, but eventually had vision problems when the particles moved around in the fluid.
I had to go to an eye Dr. befor going for a catscan They said it would mess my eyes up bad if I had any metal in them.
The up side is that your eye heals faster then any other organ in your body.
The down side of having one eye patched is your depth of field is gone.
You should be fine and feeling beter by know.

Now tell the truth:toothy10: You have took the patch off this morning and you are doing better, Glad it was not worse and took out the use of a retna.
Safety goggles or a nice full facial shield is best like Thrasher said,
And Halloween is coming, so you're saving the patch

probably even had the chance to play Pirate Captain and stow away with your wife/gf. Bet she bought you a three cornered hat and asked to see your peg leg:toothy10:

(hope you're doing better)
I had to go to an eye Dr. befor going for a catscan They said it would mess my eyes up bad if I had any metal in them.
The up side is that your eye heals faster then any other organ in your body.
The down side of having one eye patched is your depth of field is gone.
You should be fine and feeling beter by know.

Now tell the truth:toothy10: You have took the patch off this morning and you are doing better, Glad it was not worse and took out the use of a retna.
Safety goggles or a nice full facial shield is best like Thrasher said,

There was some kid over on The HAMB the other day that had a post saying that he was grinding and a chunk flew up in his eye and he couldn't get it out. He asked what he should do and when everyone told him that he should go to the ER he said that he was going to wait until tomorrow so he wouldn't miss king of the hill on TV and so he could miss school. The dumbass was willing to loose an eye just so he could watch cartoons and play hookie. Needless to say there was about 5 pages of guys calling him a Fing dumbass. LOL
lol....you guys are funny

no i havent taken off the patch, although i would love to just wipe my eye of all the morning crap that i can feel in it right now....the doc said i need to keep it on atleast 24 hours so that i can heal properly and wont get infected, and at this point in time id rathr follow his steps then take it off (and knowing my shitluck) get screwed over....and yes the little neighbours screamed when they saw me, my sister keeps calling me popeye, and my girlfriend is going to come by later today so she can get her fill of laughs in lol
I've had wires break free of the wheel on my bench grinder and get stuck in the skin on my stomach, didn't find them until after they festered and looked like a pimple. Another painful thing is to have a hot bead of weld go into your ear when your under a car welding in the awkward spot.
i got red hot welding flux in my eye when chipping it off about 30 years ago, my eyeball still has the scars today. It's good to get metal out right away, waiting overnight can cause you to wake up with a rusty eye and more problems as my brother in law found out, glad you got yours out and are on the mend!
I'm watching two guys outside my office window breaking up concrete with a sledge hammer. It is about 125 feet away and I can see the particles flying all over the place. Not one pair of safety glasses!
i gotta remind her to bring the hat lol...yea safety glasses are a must, but look whos talking...