Calling the model comp guys/gals !



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Don't matter
Ok all you model comp members So far i have keg ,james ,rani, shafer, Im thinking im forgetin some one ? I forgot we have a new entery ! Lets just say I know the guy very very very well . Bwhahahha . I will still start the thread and all that for yall . and dont worry You telling me what yall are doing aint going to make me change mine lol I only have one model to do . so it dont matter any way . ...... Really tho I think im forgetting one member plz tell me if i am and im sorry if i did .
So where are we posting the model pics for the contest? and when did that have to be done by?

Ok kiddo You can do the model comp any time you like I hope things look up for you . sorry to hear we aint going to have you in this one you always bring good stuff .
Ok i was just told i will not be here on the 1st . So it will have to start on the 2 . Sorry bout this ... Look at it this way it will give you one more day to work on your models .
i would think the more the better...take keagans spot...and get ready for willy....
Sounds good! I'm finishing up one right now, probably be done today. Will a new thread be made to post the pics, or are they to be posted here?
Sounds good! I'm finishing up one right now, probably be done today. Will a new thread be made to post the pics, or are they to be posted here?
a new thread will be posted for pics of models in contest...