Cam Phasing

I've used the keys a ton, too and never had one fail or seen one fail. Ever. I agree too that they are not meant to carry load. I'd be surprised if the load on them was even measureable.
That's not really how it works....

Modern engines, my foot. (other than that, DemonX2 is 100% right).
The key was never designed to carry load, ever.

The sprocket bolt that clamps the cam sprocket to the cam is what makes the spinny-magic happen. The clamp load from sprocket to cam is what locks the two together. I ain't doing the math but there's hundreds of pounds of force holding the cam to the sprocket when the bolt is properly torqued.

The keys are supposed to be weak. If something goes south, the intent is to shear the key and not eat up the nice expensive components (although on a small block Mopar you're likely going to trash the valves if this happens).

The key is an alignment aid only and carries no, I repeat NO load.

Yup. 100% true.

If anyone is familiar with a Milodon or similar gear drive there is no keyway to time the cam.

I bought an ignition for a dirt bike I had. The rotor didn’t have a key slot in it.

The factories use stuff like that so they can slam that **** together.
Carroll Shelby's FWD racing teams ran the de-stroked 2.2L's w/o any cam key whatsoever....
Well hell, I guess i'll just throw that 30 dollar key in the garbage when it shows up. lol
I certainly wouldn't do that, but so far, you've not said anything to make be believe one iota that you actually know where the cam is in the engine. But alas, it's not my engine, so have at it!
I certainly wouldn't do that, but so far, you've not said anything to make be believe one iota that you actually know where the cam is in the engine. But alas, it's not my engine, so have at it!
It was a joke. Does this help?

Well hell, I guess i'll just throw that 30 dollar key in the garbage when it shows up. lol
Nah, get Your money's worth out of it!!
Locking cam & crank in place while tightening was probably facilitated by purpose made tools & practice, but they claimed it gave them flexibility, and saved a bunch of time.
All the Ford DOHC Z-tech etc. engines use no dowels or keys on the cams, they use an alignment bar that slides into slots cut into the tail end of each cam, and a screw/pin to lock the crank.
My wife would swear in court to that lol!

Of course, she'd be throwing me under the bus right along with you so there is that.
Kitty would drive that beeotch right over the both of us. Then back up and do it again.