Camping vs hotel?



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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Amelia, Ohio
I leave for Colorado in exactly one week. I am trying to decide if I should camp in the 30 degree weather or get a hotel. I like camping much more but this trip would require me to buy all new gear so the price for camping would be about the same as a hotel. Not to mention I am concerned I will buy all this new gear and a cold front will come through pushing me into a hotel.

What would the fabo group do in this situation?
As a former camper and RVer I would advise getting the Hotel. It's more difficult than you think to find a place to pitch a tent and pay a reasonable fee. As a born and raised Coloradoan I wouldn't trust the weather this time of year if you are going to be in the Mountains.
if the wife is going, it's 5 star hotel. if it's just me, I'm camping!
We just got back from a 3 1/2 week roadtrip from Seattle all the way to the East coast (assateague Island in Maryland). We camped in tents at KOA's the whole way (shower and laundry facilities are nice to have) get a KOA card and you get 10% off each night..... Also, most of them have small cabins if it gets too dang wet or cold.

All that said, this late in the season, the campgrounds start closing, especially in higher country. (we ran into issues in Colorado in Oct where we could not get a camp spot and ended up in a hotel at 2 AM).

All that said, this late in the3 year, unless you reserve a camp spot and are certain it is open, I'd do a hotel.
I know two year around campgrounds where I am going. I am going on another trip a few weeks after Colorado. I'll be going down to virginia and will be camping there so the gear would be nice to already have.
I know two year around campgrounds where I am going. I am going on another trip a few weeks after Colorado. I'll be going down to virginia and will be camping there so the gear would be nice to already have.

what did you do to dislike yourself so much . I guess im just soft now .
If you are even asking this question, it looks like you have some doubt, and that's a red flag to me.
Get a hotel, you won't be out in the cold for sure.
If you aren't worried about freezing your bunzolas off, go camping.
What part of Colorado? I would plan both, could get real cold out side in October.
If you have cold weather gear already,then go camping. If not, then motel for sure! Is the wife or GF going to be with you? If so,then motel for sure.

I love camping, even in Alaska in the winter. But you have to have the right gear or it sucks big time! Being cold always bites the big one. Enjoy!
If you are even asking this question, it looks like you have some doubt, and that's a red flag to me.
Get a hotel, you won't be out in the cold for sure.
If you aren't worried about freezing your bunzolas off, go camping.

I was just asking for some input. I have doubts about both so I asked for advice.
Took bike to Florida many years ago with plan of camping.

After getting up the 1st morning and packing in the rain and then riding my Goldwing all day in the rain stay in hotels the rest of the trip. Rode in rain for 2 days

A nice hot shower and dry bed sure makes traveling more comfortable
Aint no way I would go camping with my messed up back....
lets see....... For me, finding a campsite , unloading tent and everything else that comes with camping, putting up tent, building fire ( if you are even allowed due to no rain ) getting food out cooking, trying to wash dishes putting up everything taking down tent packing everything

........verses .....

finding hotel, carry in suitcase, walk to restaurant......

ok thats just me, but my wife has talked me into many camping trips that have turned out pretty good thoughts this time of year would be a Hotel....... but have a good time whichever you choose.
Camp out in a hotel. If you are bringing kids, make sure the hotel has an indoor pool and hot tub (back issues?). They are great stress relievers. I also try to use hotels that serve breakfast.
what part of Colorado and why Colorado aint one of them mary jane campers are you. If you are then we gonna keep an eye on you. J/K.....really what part.


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We go camping now and then as a "hobby".
It's fun to get out of the norm and do things in nature. We usually go tent camping, and have, on occasion rented a camper. Make no mistake, camping is not a vacation. It's hard work.
You essentially do all of the same things you'd do normally, just without the conveniences of your home, to do them with. You still have to cook, you still have to wash dishes, and so on.

When we go on vacation, it's to go on vacation. As my wife puts it, "It's my vacation, too". Most husbands claim that they take the responsibilities of cooking and such. Well, to that, I say "It MY vacation, too". If, the only responsibility I don't have on a vacation is going to work, that's not a vacation. I want someone else to cook, to serve me, to make the beds, and so on. I don't want to merely transpose household chores to a camper trailer, motor home or campsite.

I want a hotel room, preferably a suite. I want to do what I want, when I want. and I want my wife to have the same opportunity. As I said, above. We both love camping, usually tent camping, and while it's a vacation from the normal routine of life, it's not a "Vacation".
I'm going to be around Rocky Mountain national park. Around estes if your familiar with that area and flagstaff mountain. I'm traveling by myself but meeting up with a few friends along the way. No Mary Jane for this guy though.