They do act the same. What differs is the percentage difference. Bob Bolles, the Technical Editor of Circle Track magazine did an in-depth article on Crane's quick lift rockers & rockers in general.
[1] Crane does not believe in the minimum width pattern on the valve tip at the mid lift point. Many others do not believe in it either. See the first pic. Crane goes for the rocker tip
centered at
full lift, which minimises side loading of the valve stem/valve guide.
[2] The next two pics show how the ratio changes during operation. To claim that the ratio remains constant as a bold statement in post #205 is just wrong & can only be interpreted in one way: the words say it all.
[3] And the prod side of the rocker? Everybody worries about the roller centered on the valve tip but in Post #178 you can see the valve lift changed by 0.029" by changing prods.
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